27 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Socials! Next one Wed 02nd Sept.

Hi Everyone

 After a couple months without socials on a Wednesday, we are back!!!

September social -

- Chris Williams will be talking to us about competitions in particular BCC, Gin Wide Open and the TVHGC waypoint comp. He will also share with us some photos of the


- Nik Valiris has also offered to tell us about the accident he had on Liddington. I am sure you have read his honest post on the forum and this will give you an opportunity to ask him

questions. Of course, if you do not want to be there, he won't be offended. Nik will do this after Chris has done his bit on comps.


And for the remainder of the year......

October: Barney Woodhead - Met & Weather Forecasting

November: Malcolm - Hang-gliding and grabbing all the way-points

December (AGM) : Steve Nash & Richard B - Red Bull x-Alps

AGM is being held on the 27th November, please put a note in your diary.

Socials will be at the usual place - The Swan in Inkpen (RG17 9DX). Food served from 6.30pm and talk starting from about 7.30pm.

Look forward to seeing you there!



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