26 Ağustos 2015 Çarşamba

Re: [TVHGC Members] Vincent's Accident

Vincent, you describe exactly the effect of the Island's micro sea breeze convergence that begins at Afton/Brighstone Downs. In the conditions you describe with an expected flyable sea breeze in the afternoon at Compton (reds) there will certainly be a dramatic wind direction change at Brighstone. If you were flying it in the thermic conditions as that convergence developed and landed as it moved North away from the hill the wind direction change was predictable in its inevitability if not its timing.

I do feel that we are at a (safety) disadvantage if we do not have the detailed aerology of sites handed down to us by some means.

A site "full" of IoW pilots amounts to between 5 and 10! I doubt there are 20 active pilots in that place.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Vincent Masi <vincent@vcs515372.plus.com> wrote:
 Hi Francis

The site was Brighstone around 1pm. Wind up slope on take off.

I am off the opinion that any switch in direction may have been caused by thermic changes in wind direction and I was just off with my timing when coming in to land. Though that really does not explain such a dramatic change in direction.

Coincidently the plan was to spend the afternoon leisurely flying the cliffs (reds) which were expected to be flyable later and indeed did come on as we were leaving the hill.

Island pilots have a system whereby the first pilot arriving on a flyable site texts it in and within 30min the site is generally full of pilots. Nowhere on the island is a site more than 30mins away in any direction making flying here a real pleasure.

Many Regards  Vincent Masi  8 The Bramptons  Shaw Ridge  W.Swindon  Wilts SN5 5SJ  07850872896  01793 877713  
On 25/08/2015 16:28, francis rich wrote:

Hello Vincent
Glad you have no lasting damage.
I was wondering if it was Brighstone or Limestone you were flying and exactly what time of day. Those sites will sea breeze very rapidly. The transition from thermic conditions to sea breeze is predictable from evidence in the sky but only if you are looking and have prior knowledge. Just curious to know if it may be that which caught you out? Indicators in the landing field would not help if the direction switch was due to the above since it can switch back instantly.

On Aug 25, 2015 3:56 PM, "Vincent Masi" <vincent@vcs515372.plus.com> wrote:
Hi Francis

To follow this through the site was Brightstone on the IOW, Neil sent me a clip of my take-off today which showed that I launched ahead of a incoming thermal (developing cloud ahead and to the left of take off) wind up slope with a clean launch.

 The problem may have been once the thermal went through (without me) I may have been in sinking air during my landing approach this would explain why I did not reach my intended landing spot, certainly the first thing Eric said to me was
that I should have come in from the opposite direction as the wind had veered and I had not noticed.

A wind sock would have helped but all in all it was my fault as I should have Judged the conditions more carefully before coming in.

I am a hangie with countless years experience so should have known better. Normally when hang gliding I would put up a windsock as uprights are expensive, other than Paddy I never see this as an accepted norm by paraglider pilots.

 It may not have helped but next time  I will put one up.

Many Regards  Vincent Masi  8 The Bramptons  Shaw Ridge  W.Swindon  Wilts SN5 5SJ  07850872896  01793 877713  
On 24/08/2015 12:50, francis rich wrote:
"If there are ways to mitigate these risks, then I'd be interested in hearing them."

The thread began with an approach to risk mitigation that primarily looks at the risk assessment of the site and how an average of low airtime pilot might approach that. Given that Nik's accident may have had some causality in his assessment prior to launching, it might be helpful to know on which IoW site Vincent experienced his misfortune and whether there were any prior indications he may have missed or been unaware of prior to launching?

 I agree it is good to be prepared for emergency when it occurs and that makes a good and useful discussion itself. Perhaps Richard may have been drawing us back to the issue in this thread of our decision to fly and whether there is anything in the site guide or knowledge held within a club and its members that we can access but, perhaps, omit to?

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:35 PM, Paul Dowsett <googlemail-personal@netaxiom.net> wrote:
I tried to change the subject when I replied to Vincent, but I'm afraid it didn't move the conversation to a new thread, Richard. Apologies for that.

"As always, tell me what accident you are going to have and I will tell you what protective equipment you should be wearing/carrying ;-)"

There are genuine concerns about emergency whistles not being effective and equipment causing injuries, but I couldn't spot any constructive suggestions about either of them in your post, Richard. ;p

Large canisters are not practical and, as you say, could easily cause injury.  I only did a quick search for the mini-horn; at least it is small/pocket-sized, but I'm certain there are better, more suitable, products out there (maybe you have some ideas?)

Obviously, people will no-doubt use their common sense (without us needing to spell it out for them), and not keep items in their pockets if they have better places available.  I don't see a solution to flight decks, instruments and, even, quick-outs (which are a safety device in themselves) causing injuries, however.  If there are ways to mitigate these risks, then I'd be interested in hearing them.

On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 11:15:16 AM UTC+1, Richard wrote:

I would just like to point out that it was Nik's accident that kicked off this thread and it seems to have moved on to the point where people are suggesting carrying Air Horns etc in a convenient place in their kit in case of emergency. 

It would appear that Nik's main injury, a ruptured spleen was most likely caused by either his flight deck and instruments out his quick out karabiners. 

Please consider what emergency kit you are going to carry, whether it is accessible in an accident, and if you are going to carry it, if it could cause problems in itself. 

As always, tell me what accident you are going to have and I will tell you what protective equipment you should be wearing/carrying ;-) 



Sent from my iPhone

On 24 Aug 2015, at 10:09, Paul Dowsett <googlemai...@netaxiom.net> wrote:

Hi Vincent

I'm really sorry to hear about your accident and injury - I really hope you are quickly feeling better.

It's a good point that whistles may not be loud or noticeable enough to alert people to an emergency.  A gas horn, as has been suggested, may not be convenient, as I doubt it would fit in a pocket and may not be reliable if carried, but not used, for years.

I found this, which may be worth considering. 
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Plastimo-Mini-Trump-Horn-safety/dp/B000WISPYS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1440406533&sr=8-1&keywords=mini+trump (includes reviews)

All the best with the recovery, and I hope to fly with you again soon.


On Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 1:16:22 PM UTC+1, vincent wrote:
Hi all

Hot on the recent accident that happened to Nick I  fractured my wrist last Friday during a landing attempt on a site I have flown a few times before. (IOW) The simple truth to my accident was pilot error believing that the wind was coming up the slope as per take off 30mins before, and not realising until the last few moments that I was coming in to fast possibly arriving down wind losing height quicker than expected and having to land below ridge level.

Evasive last minute turn and a rolled landing saved the day, all be it with a fractured wrist which will mean a few weeks contemplating the reasons for the accident.

The day was thermic and a better pilot would have made more of the conditions however not enjoying the flight I made the decision to land, wind indicators in the landing area would have helped but as I had flown the sight before I did not see any reason to suppose the wind had veered that much and made a normal landing approach for this site.

There were two other pilots on the hill at the time, one just packing away as he had other things to do and another just watching not there to fly. When I started paragliding it was suggested that a whistle attached to my harness may alert others if injured, sound advice which I followed.
When it became clear that I needed help,  I blew the whistle numerous times very loudly eventually the spectating pilot came to my help.

Interestingly no one had heard the whistle and he had only come down to tell me everybody was leaving the hill. I guess the question is what more could be done to alert others in these circumstances.

Fly safe.

Many Regards  Vincent Masi  8 The Bramptons  Shaw Ridge  W.Swindon  Wilts SN5 5SJ  07850872896  01793 877713  
On 19/08/2015 18:18, Tim Pentreath wrote:
On 19 August 2015 at 18:06, francis rich <fra...@jfdiuk.com> wrote:

I am unclear how those of us seeking site guidance are helped by being told to fly if it "feels right".  That sounds similar to "take a punt" or "what's the worst that can happen".

Not at all. Imagine you're on holiday in Scotland where you can pretty much take off from anywhere - you look at a map, see a hill/mountain that looks suitable, hike up it, assess the conditions at your take off area, maybe walk around a bit if it's a bowl to check the true wind direction, and if it "feels right" (ie. on the hill, not too gusty etc), you take off. Simples. No need for a site guide, compass or wind meter. If you're not happy then you walk down again. If you're not experienced enough to decide for yourself then you stick to regular sites where others are flying.


flyAszent - Advance paragliders in the West Country
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