14 Ağustos 2015 Cuma

RE: [TVHGC Members] Nik V

I know this is probably "old hat" but a windsock placed at the crest of the ridge and another at the base of the hill is invaluable and would probably have saved many pilots from serious injury if this were universally carried out on all our sites. Some of us carry windsocks with us but I know that many XC hounds would be loathed to leave their sock behind.


Maybe a bamboo cane with a ribbon, similar to most of the mountain sites in Europe may help.


So many times I have seen that what occurs at the base of the hill and at the top can be two very different things and also helps to alert pilots to an approaching thermal.





From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of francis rich
Sent: 14 August 2015 10:18
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] Nik V


Great post Carl. You explain our dilemma very well. We want to fly, have expended huge effort to be there but is it safe?
And that amounts to a best guess at the probability. A gamble on the odds.

Every site in the guide has a wind direction range given. This range is evolved from (sometimes bitter) experience. Pilots often carry wind speed gauges and have a "personal limit" they apply but merely guess at the wind angle.

Nik acknowledges the wind angle was, perhaps, towards the stated limit for Liddington. It might be helpful for the sites officer to know whether Liddington limits now need review or, conversely, for pilots to have it confirmed that exceeding the stated limit takes them into pioneering territory.

Risks increase exponentially beyond the known limits and are raised by the power of the number of limits exceeded. So risk approaches certainty very soon after passing those limits.

Carl,  please continue to watch them fly when your own assessment keeps you on the ground. You don't have a "comfort zone" that needs "expanding" you have a healthy survival instinct and a sound understanding of probability :-)

On Aug 14, 2015 9:23 AM, "Carl Foster" <pedwarpimp@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks for the write up Nik. I'm glad to hear it wasn't any worst and you are recovering well and quickly by the sounds.

It's always hard when here hear about an incident especially when it's some one you've met and someone you know is very current and capable and safety concious as you come across from the role you play in TVHGC.

I think it is helpful to the person who has had the incident to talk about it and very helpful for others to learn from.

A question I ask myself and others a lot is how do you know/find/increase your comfort zones safely?.  I have sat on the hill many times when others have flown and had great flights, while I'm not liking the conditions for one reason or another and then beat myself up on way home for not trying  but this is a simple reminder that this is not always a bad thing.

A quote I heard while on a mountain biking course was "never say one more go".  I've tried building that in to my subconcious, although it may not always fit with paragliding I do find it very relevant and useful for my flying as many times I've caught myself on days which I'm trying to get away from the hill in less than ideal Conditions or particularly in the tow environment.  So I've tried to acknowledge a little earlier I'm getting tired or to the end of my patience, energy mindset or what ever it maybe and tell myself I'll have a few more goes, but might only have the one extra attempt, it helps me keep an open mind and not focused on taking any more risks than any other flight thinking it's my last attempt.  (All or nothing so to speak)

Anyway I didn't plan on typing so much but as always trying to place some relevance on these incidents and how I can learn from them.  If my thoughts opinions help others then even better.

Look forward to seeing more of your flying posts and videos of you flying in the near future.


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