12 Ağustos 2015 Çarşamba

Re: [TVHGC Members] Nik V

Hi David et al,

Sorry I've not been on this forum for a while, mainly using Facebook ;-)

All on the mend now at home for the last few week and not even any stiffness in my back incredibly.  My spleen is on the mend but taking care of it as best I can so not been able to drive.  I'll probably look to get back in the air saddle for a gentle flight over the winter period when my injury is more repaired with a full recovery spring next year...all great news!!!  Everyone has been brilliant and made the recovery so much easier.... lots of visitors and messages I feel very spoiled.  Thanks to all!!!

Regards the incident itself lots of people asked what went wrong, so if it helps pilots learn from my mistake please read on:-

Firstly gliders just don't fall out of the sky and I was pretty current and a capable pilot... so what was it...

In simple terms the accident was caused by my pilot error pushing the boundaries.  Yes cautious me!!!  The day I went to fly the conditions were deteriorating due to the wind going westerly on Liddy, increasing and I even messaged everyone to that affect.  This has been quite common this year due to the dry hot conditions.   I knew this was the case but still chose to have the last fly.  Why? .... human nature I guess wanting the other rewards and being a little 'bold' (remember the saying...), pushing the limits, chasing those XC numbers, thinking of another cross county flight and not thinking about the first bit and not expecting to hand around and yes maybe a little tired too.  The conditions at the point of the last launch were far from ideal with the wind way off the main part of the hill (flying the west end) and very strong and very gusty.  Throw in a bit of bad luck as well and putting it altogether its the classic recipe for an injury.  I knew it wasn't good and any one of those conditions should have kept me on the ground, so I hope pilots learn a little from my mistake.

The accident took 5 seconds from 200ft above and out front but felt like minutes and I was actually quite calm (helped by a previous SIV course).   I launched into a snotty broken thermal and during a 360 turn the glider frontal collapsed.  I unfortunately stalled the glider during the recovery with a little break applied so after that I was in an 8 m/s descent.  I managed to regain control at 50-20ft by getting and keeping the glider in a deep stall (parachutal stall) preventing dive or rotation and a steady 3.5m/s descent.  This was only due to my close proximity to the hill.   I didn't pull the reserve.  The landing was on my back and left side with no injury. I would have made a full recovery quickly had it not been for something blunt maybe my quick-out caribiner or flight instrument being pushed into my spleen on my left side which caused a rupture and internal bleeding.   With out any drama I am happy to be here to report this and I want to get back out as soon as I am able and have learned from this.

So nothing new here apart from the classic paragliding accident symptoms put together and yes I didn't thing it would ever happen to me.  So in other words its nature letting me know who's boss!!!

I hope this is informative and if pilots find themselves desperate to fly and are aware the conditions aren't right please spare a little thought, you can always fly another day....

Do I recommend an SIV course, yes indeed and on your current kit!!!!

Fly safe!
Hope to see you all very soon

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 9:34 AM, david perry <bumbledp@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Chris.

I try to avoid fb so thanks for the update

On 12 Aug 2015 09:32, "Chris Williams" <chr15williams@btinternet.com> wrote:

Nik is home and doing fine!  See TVHGC on Facebook, if you do that sort of thing, to see photos of the layabout skulking about at home.


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Subject: [TVHGC Members] Nik V


How is nik ?  I haven't heard anything since he was taken off the hill



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