Where is this BHPA sites list, is it online? I know the BHPA have a database of certain sites (hence the the site refs.) but I know Martin was in the process of updating this.
It's a really useful discussion and indeed if there are changes to be put forward it will need involvement from Fiona (Sites Officer) and with Matt (Safety Officer) to help run through what's need.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 1:28 PM, 'Steve U' via TVHGC members list <tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com> wrote:
On 19/08/2015 16:53, francis rich wrote:
For the benefit of those seeking some guidance as to what is flyable and what is less so, I have established, from the BHPA sites database that Liddington is registered as "usable" between 220 and 340 degrees.
This seems to conflict with our sites guide which indicates two distinct sectors of "usability", one facing NW the other SW +- about 15 degrees.
Please ask yourself where the figures on the BHPA database came from? Are they divine provenance, or did they, in all probability, come from the TVHGC, who passed them onto the BHPA at some point in the past?
Did the original BHPA template perhaps only have range of values for the site?
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