9 Haziran 2015 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] XC Soar paragliding airspace file - advice/help?

On 9 June 2015 at 13:42, Richard Bungay <richard@cloudbase.me.uk> wrote:


I know Tim loves it but we have seen a lot of un-usable tracklogs in the XCLeague from FlySkyHy!  Not sure about the iPhone 6 with the added Baro sensor but the iPhone5 and previous with GPS only have very unreliable altitude and marginal position accuracy a lot of the time. I would think very seriously about using this for airspace avoidance and XCL evidence.


There was a version of FSH that had a bug which I spotted whereby the track snapped to a road if you were close to one! This image shows the FSH track and my Flymaster track dropped onto xcplanner. You can clearly see why the FSH tracklog was snapping to a road.

This resulted in some very high speeds between track points, which was why XCL rejected the IGC file. This was fixed last August so as long as you have an up-to-date version your horizontal position will be accurate. 

As far as vertical accuracy, I and others were getting some very odd altitude readings at times with iPhone 5s and earlier models - eg:

However all my tracklogs with my iPhone 6 have been fine seeing as it records the baro height rather than GPS height.

HTH clarify things.


flyAszent - Advance paragliders in the West Country
Web: http://flyaszent.wordpress.com
Twitter: twitter.com/flyaszent

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