11 Haziran 2015 Perşembe

Re: [TVHGC Members] XC Soar paragliding airspace file - advice/help?

Tim, I'm with you. It would be very bad for us generally, to say nothing of the £62 cost every time we buy a canopy.

We fought hard for the position we are in now and must do everything to maintain or enhance it.

This includes staying out of airspace. The means is not as important as the end, but we do need to coach all the different ways of airspace avoidance.

The radio will require an FRTOL, and will not open up much airspace. I've got a radio and an FRTOL, but it does not, IMO, help me for PG.

Agree to disagree it is.

On 10/06/2015 23:28, Tim Pentreath wrote:
On Wednesday, 10 June 2015, francis rich <francis@jfdiuk.com> wrote:

It has always struck me as a bit "Flat Earth Society" this clinging to the anachronism that paragliders should be exempt wing registration.

It has always struck me as a bit "Flat Earth Society" this clinging to the anachronism that paragliders should navigate with paper airmaps.

Get a registration, get a radio, learn to map read and navigate properly and be a real pilot!

So at a time when the rest of aviation is moving to less regulation you're suggesting more for us... I'm sure that will go down a storm... 

It's probably time to just agree to disagree. 



flyAszent - Advance paragliders in the West Country
Web: http://flyaszent.wordpress.com
Twitter: twitter.com/flyaszent

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--   Steve Uzochukwu,  Resource/Technical Manager and Support Engineer.  07973 713120.  

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