19 Mayıs 2015 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] Milk Hill - visiting pilots issue yesterday

Guys just for clarity its nothing to do with different nationalities.

These chaps weren't local to Thames Valley but lived in the UK.  They decided to leave after Richard B had a word with one of them.

Things like this will and do happen and it takes all sorts and I'm sure its the same in other clubs too.  So the key take away from the initial email is that as members of this club we are tasked with looking after our sites on behalf of the land owners who have given us permission.   Its right that we should all do our bit to go and chat with someone or a group who they haven't seen before.  It introduces us to them and also may provide the support they need if its genuine... ie. they've got a week pass email, BHPA card with them but need a site brief as they've never flown the site etc.  Definitely go an chat if see wrong doing then point it out to them that this is unacceptable and if they don't tick any boxes regards memberships, insurance etc. then ask them to leave which is all we can do.   The few times I've had this they person(s) have opted to leave.  Pass on the info to the committee later in the day.


On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 3:58 PM, francis rich <francis@jfdiuk.com> wrote:
Are Poles actually the ones causing a problem? The few  I've met and talked to "on the hill" have been polite, erudite, charming, and, most importantly, very well behaved.

They always begin by speaking in Polish. Might be 'cos I fly a Dudek wing I suppose?  
Assumptions, assumptions. Ukip making them!

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 2:10 PM, SteveU <snc.uzochukwu@googlemail.com> wrote:
Good point but my gut feeling is that the Polish are light years ahead when it comes to speaking English compared to the English speaking Polish.

You'll need a Pole to do the translation and I'm sure most of the others will have opinions on how good the translation is.


Anything that saves Milk Hill is worth doing IMO, even if we can't be 100% sure it will be the saviour.

On 19/05/2015 14:03, Steve Purdie wrote:
Get it translated into Polish too.

Steve Uzochukwu,
Resource/Technical Manager and Support Engineer.
07973 713120.

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