27 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba

[TVHGC Members] Parking at Uffington White Horse

Please please observe the parking rules for Uffington. They are really incredibly simple. Park in the main National Trust "Pay and Display" car park and buy a ticket to park. Do not park in the disabled car park unless you are disabled and are displaying the appropriate blue badge in your car. Don't park on the side of the road or in the passing places even to unload gliders and don't block gateways that walkers and horses use. And please don't try to land conveniently near your car.

The National Trust owns and regulates our use of this site and the license restricts us to parking only in the official car park and landing only in certain areas. The ranger is often around and it is very obvious when paragliders park elsewhere for their own convenience/laziness.


Here endeth the lecture! Many thanks in anticipation that we won't have any more issues here.


Fi – TVHGC Sites Officer"

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