13 Nisan 2016 Çarşamba

Re: [TVHGC Members] Rybury is closed until 11 April

Hi Fi,

Many thanks for your ceaseless efforts at keeping the farmers and site owners happy - and letting us know what we should do to avoid antagonising them or their livestock.

Before flying at Easter I was checking out the sites guide for Rybury, and it says we should put an entry in the flying diary after flying as our usage is limited. I'm not sure if the diary is still functioning or indeed in use?
This page seems to be there but not working...   http://www.tvhgc.co.uk/index.php/component/content/article/93-diary/101-flying-diary

Nik has kindly added my video to the TVHGC collection... ( https://vimeo.com/160673650 ) but I assume that's not an official record.



On 29/03/2016 13:39, Fiona Burgess wrote:
Rybury is closed until 11 April inclusive due to cows with new calves being moved up there and settling in to their new surroundings. After that take great care not to separate animals from each other and not to alarm or startle them. The farmer and his family are likely to be keeping an eye on the animals so a friendly hello would be nice once the site re-opens. Any issues please notify Sites Officer asap. 

Depending on wind direction consider Milk Hill or Sugar as alternatives during the closed period. 

Many thanks for your cooperation. 

Fi (TVHGC Sites Officer)
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