23 Şubat 2015 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] Training/Coaching of pilots

I would like to ensure our qualified pilots are aware of the BHPA rules with regard to licensed training and coaching.

The club has a published a list of licensed coaches and contact details on its website to allow pilots to get in touch when they require coaching.  I always actively encourage coaching and continual learning to ensure safe flying and development within the rules of the BHPA and the PRS.

A TVHGC pilot member can advise a qualified pilot (CP and above) with additional information such as site briefings and weather advice as that isn't regarded as coaching.  We are not permitted to provide coaching/training of unqualified pilots (pre CP novice) as this is outside the BHPA rules so always ask for their BHPA card.

Unlicensed pilots (non coaches), please don't stray into coaching/training other qualified pilots (CP+) and definitely not unqualified pilots and as tempting as it may seem if someone is struggling.  Those who do are operating outside of the rules of the BHPA and insurance should something happen.  Please help by putting the pilot in touch with a licensed coach or a school if they are unqualified.  I always welcome pilots to my coaching team if they wish to do this and attend the coaching course.

For more information on the rules please refer to Section C of the BHPA Technical Manual: http://www.bhpa.co.uk/pdf/BHPA_Tech_Manual.pdf

Our club also seeks to ensure that every pilot flying amongst us is a current member of TVHGC and the BHPA as per our membership terms.  Those who's membership lapses we ask that you refrain from flying or ground handling on the TVHGC club sites until its renewed.

I trust this is clear however if anyone has any questions please contact me directly.

Best regards,


Nik Valiris

Chief Coach
Mob: 07549 527301
Email: nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk

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