25 Şubat 2015 Çarşamba


Dear Thames Valley pilots,


Spring is just around the corner so I expect there will very soon be days when the air is cold and the sun is out.  Flying conditions will start to get sporty as spring kicks into gear. The XC hounds will be getting excited, preparing their equipment and planning epic cross-country flights, but these conditions can spell bad news for less experienced pilots, especially those pilots who aren't current and who are a bit rusty.  We generally see an increase in incidents and equipment getting damaged around this time of year, so I thought I would write a few words so that we all can enjoy the new season safely.


One of the best ways to be prepared is to try to stay current over the winter months.  It's often the case that poor ground handing in spring conditions is a big contributor to incidents, not to mention the damage that being unceremoniously dragged across launch can do to your and others' equipment.  I would advise everyone to get out as soon as conditions allow and at least ground handle at the start or end of the day.


I'd recommend rusty pilots ease themselves back in on those sunny days by visiting sites when the conditions are easier; in the early mornings or late afternoons. Late afternoon on Combe Gibbet can be very pleasant, for example. New CP pilots should be cautious and avoid getting caught out with rapidly changing conditions.


When looking at the surface wind (10m) forecast on a sunny, spring day, consider what the sun's heating will do to the wind speed range.  Assess conditions carefully before launching, taking time to see if thermic cycles are gusting the wind excessively on launch.   If you arrive at a site based on a forecast that usually works in the winter then it's likely to be blown out on a sunny, spring day during the hours around midday when the sun is at its strongest.


If you're unsure of conditions, go to our sites and see conditions for yourself, even if it's from the comfort of the ground until conditions become suitable to fly.  In my experience, you will learn much more than reading site updates from Telegram etc.  If there are pilots airborne, assess how people with similar wings to yours are getting on.  If the sky is full of stationary or bouncing rocket ships the conditions are probably not for you.  If the site is too busy then a good decision is to fly later.


Once airborne, less experienced pilots should be assessing the conditions and making decisions.  If conditions are picking up make things easier for yourself by landing sooner. The sky can get very crowded when everybody's trying to land at the same time.  Avoid putting yourself under stress by planning a difficult top landing when the bottom landing field is always an easier option. 


Always be THINKING PILOTS!!!!!


Do ask advice on the hill about conditions if you're not sure, rather than flying just because others are in the air. If pilots are sitting around chatting it's normally for a very good reason – go up to them, say hello and ask them why.  We're a friendly bunch and will be happy to share our thoughts.  Remember what's flyable for one pilot might not be suitable for you.  Coaches love to help, so seek them out on the site.  Any questions please email coaches@tvhgc.co.uk or the Thames Valley Facebook coaching group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/tvhgccoaching/


We wish you all a safe and enjoyable flying experience through the rest of the winter and into spring.


Nik Valiris and Matt Rawlins

Chief Coach and Safety Officer


Nik Valiris

Mob: 07549 527301
Email: nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk

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