8 Mart 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Re: TVHGC Membership Renewals 2016/17

Folks, just in case others struggle to pay via Paypal and yes it can be a pain if you've not used Paypal for some time or don't want to use it ie. using 'guest'.   Unfortunately we rely on Paypal for now to handle payments including 'guest' credit and debit cards like many other clubs.   When you click the Paypal button on our website you will be directed to the Paypal website to make the transaction. If you are using a credit or debit card without logging in to Paypal 'guest' beware they will check their records with your cards.  If there was any link in the past to an account you will see the Paypal message:

"You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account" or "You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account, please log in. If you don't, please change the e-mail address or card number and try again."

The message is from Paypal thinking you've already set-up an account with them but you've not logged in, we can't get involved in the Paypal payment system as this is between the customer and Paypal.  Googling issues from Paypal customers suggest its where customer's use 'guest' and try to use a credit card number for a second time.

"The first time you pay through PayPal, PayPal automatically creates an account in their system against your c/card number and email address.

Later, if you ever try to use PayPal again and enter either the same c/card nbr or email address, PayPal recognises that you have an 'account' with them and requires you to login. ie you cannot check-out as a 'guest' with the same email address or c/card.

PayPal forces you to login to your account. Since you didn't consciously create an account in the first place, many people find this experience confusing and frustrating."

One way to get around it, if you have forgotten about your old PayPal account, is to use a different credit card and a different email address for this payment.  Alternatively, PayPal has on their site ways of reactiviating your PayPal account and updating any data that may be preventing you from making a purchase.

Another way is to pay your membership fee by email by creating a full Paypal account directly logging into Paypal https://www.paypal.com/uk and then use that via TVHGC website or use Paypal to send your £20 fee to membershippay@tvhgc.co.uk, or contact James at membership@tvhgc.co.uk and arrange an alternative method and yes he takes snail mail too :-)

I hope this helps

On 8 March 2016 at 12:08, Nik Valiris <nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

Just in case those didn't see the post from James our membership officer.

"Spring is just about upon us, which means it's time to check all your equipment over plus renew your TVHGC membership before it expires on 1st April. If you would like to re-join for the 2016/17 season please click on the link below and choose between online or cheque and post renewal:


We've kept the data gathering to a bare minimum and I'm sure you'll appreciate that we've also kept the subscription at just £20 again this year!


If you have any inquiries please email James at the address above.



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