29 Mart 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Re: Big Fat Repack Lessons

On newer Android phones emergency contact information is set through the contacts application.

On Tuesday, 29 March 2016 09:36:12 UTC+1, Nick Smith wrote:

Hi there everyone,


Last weekend's BFR went very smoothly and was, once again, an excellent day with loads of positive feedback.  I thought I'd share some thoughts with you about reserves and some good hints and tips from the Incident Management Brief that Fi Burgess gave.


Of the 100 or so people who attended I noted down 22 individual faults in pieces of kit. There were 10 maillons without sufficient elastics to restrain the bridles in the correct orientation; there were 3 maillons with loose gate nuts, including 1 that was completely open; there were a couple of mouldy canopies and one that was arguably older than the pilot! My point is that with 500 members it's likely that there are many other faults, minor and major lurking out there. When was the last time you practiced pulling your reserve and refitting to your harness (it can even stay packed in the inner container if you don't fancy doing a complete repack), even if it's straight from the manufacturer. If you're not confident then get someone who knows what they're doing to have a look for you and make sure you get to the BFR next year.


Fi's Incident Management talks generated some interesting discussion and you can find the slides on the club website; I urge you all to have a look. I also have a request for you should you find yourself dealing with or being near an incident. After you've completed your initial actions of first aid, calling the emergency services and assisting where necessary, please call a member of the committee or ask someone to do so while you're busy. There are things we can help with and also a number of other actions that we can be getting on with as a matter of urgency. Don't be trying to look it up when you need it, save my number on your phone; it's 07866 803592 and I've got the numbers for a whole load of other useful assets like the MoD, Air Traffic, the Electricity Board and even the Distress and Diversion cell to contact an aircraft in the air.


I also mentioned to people in the talks about the 999 emergency text service. Did you know you can also text 999 (or 112, which is the internationally recognised emergency number) in the UK if you've enabled it on your phone. There may be times when you can't get a call out but can send a text. This http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/ is the link to the website which describes how to enable the service for your phone.


There was a discussion about how to put emergency contact numbers on your phone so people can access them without the password. If you have an iPhone then use the built in Health App (the white icon with the heart on it) which quickly helps you to put contact numbers and medical details onto your phone's Emergency Page. If you're an Android user then I believe it's in Owner Info under Settings-Security. There are also a number of Apps available should you not like the built in methods. Please do use these or add a number to your flightdeck or somewhere useful.


And finally, another plea that we all work towards that Open, Just Culture that I mentioned last December. So far this year the Club has had 4 incidents, for which I've only seen 2 incident reports. I'm interested in trends, in order to improve flight safety so please send me details of any times when you thought you maybe came close to an incident or when you think you just got lucky. I'm always willing to listen and we can all learn.


Happy, and safe, landings,



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