8 Mart 2016 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Membership Renewals 2016/17

Just tried rejoining and the form kicked me out when I pressed the submit button, leaving me now payment options and a blank form. Safari on Mac.

Bit of a typo in this section of the form too

After clicking on the submit button, please make your payment by eiAfter clicking on the submit button, please make your payment by either selecting the 'Buy now' option or by printing all pages of this completed form and posting it and a cheque to: TVHGC Memberships, The Old Squash Court, Warninglid Lane, Warninglid, West Sussex RH17 5TQ

On 8 Mar 2016, at 12:08, Nik Valiris <nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

Just in case those didn't see the post from James our membership officer.

"Spring is just about upon us, which means it's time to check all your equipment over plus renew your TVHGC membership before it expires on 1st April. If you would like to re-join for the 2016/17 season please click on the link below and choose between online or cheque and post renewal:


We've kept the data gathering to a bare minimum and I'm sure you'll appreciate that we've also kept the subscription at just £20 again this year!


If you have any inquiries please email James at the address above.


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