9 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

RE: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!

Hi Jon


This is a worrying state of affairs and I saw the facebook entries about what happened. What is missing though is a description of the people attempting the threat and their car reg if seen.


No risk needs to be carried out by the person reporting this, just observe and post it. If the reporter is worried about mentioning this on a forum then you don't need to accuse just say that in your own opinion they were acting suspiciously. Trouble is by a very general statement that there were people acting suspiciously it probably does more harm than good as everyone is then under suspicion and on the whole we pilots (in my opinion) are a pretty honest lot.


I am very much against a policy of not trying to offend anyone. If thieves are thieving then they deserve to be reported on, if not to the authorities then at least to the potential victims ie us.


Treat this as a pilots "Neighbourhood Watch!"


I was at Combe/Battle of the Somme on Sunday and it was quite a busy place. The majority were families with very wet dogs and cars getting stuck in the mud. (Thanks to the pilot who helped me to get one family out of the mud.) But with pilots all at the bowl, the car park was left unattended and it would be good to be aware of suspicious characters to look out for rather than just saying we need to be vigilant.




From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jon Appleton
Sent: 08 March 2016 09:22
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!



There was a report yesterday from Combe of an unsuccessful attempt to steal some paragliding equipment.  The two men made a hasty departure once spotted, but it's a fair assumption they will be back.


Please ensure you keep one eye out for your own equipment and others.  If you do see something suspicious, either speak to the person or let others on the hill know what you have seen.


Pilots will not mind being challenged, but remember, stay safe and do not put yourself in danger.  The police are your first port of call if you are unable to resolve the situation by talking to the person.









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