29 Mart 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Rybury is closed until 11 April

Rybury is closed until 11 April inclusive due to cows with new calves being moved up there and settling in to their new surroundings. After that take great care not to separate animals from each other and not to alarm or startle them. The farmer and his family are likely to be keeping an eye on the animals so a friendly hello would be nice once the site re-opens. Any issues please notify Sites Officer asap. 

Depending on wind direction consider Milk Hill or Sugar as alternatives during the closed period. 

Many thanks for your cooperation. 

Fi (TVHGC Sites Officer)

[TVHGC Members] Re: Big Fat Repack Lessons

first of all thanks for the posting

in general is good to have ICE + phone number. They are easy recognized rather than  name + number.


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[TVHGC Members] Re: Big Fat Repack Lessons

On newer Android phones emergency contact information is set through the contacts application.

On Tuesday, 29 March 2016 09:36:12 UTC+1, Nick Smith wrote:

Hi there everyone,


Last weekend's BFR went very smoothly and was, once again, an excellent day with loads of positive feedback.  I thought I'd share some thoughts with you about reserves and some good hints and tips from the Incident Management Brief that Fi Burgess gave.


Of the 100 or so people who attended I noted down 22 individual faults in pieces of kit. There were 10 maillons without sufficient elastics to restrain the bridles in the correct orientation; there were 3 maillons with loose gate nuts, including 1 that was completely open; there were a couple of mouldy canopies and one that was arguably older than the pilot! My point is that with 500 members it's likely that there are many other faults, minor and major lurking out there. When was the last time you practiced pulling your reserve and refitting to your harness (it can even stay packed in the inner container if you don't fancy doing a complete repack), even if it's straight from the manufacturer. If you're not confident then get someone who knows what they're doing to have a look for you and make sure you get to the BFR next year.


Fi's Incident Management talks generated some interesting discussion and you can find the slides on the club website; I urge you all to have a look. I also have a request for you should you find yourself dealing with or being near an incident. After you've completed your initial actions of first aid, calling the emergency services and assisting where necessary, please call a member of the committee or ask someone to do so while you're busy. There are things we can help with and also a number of other actions that we can be getting on with as a matter of urgency. Don't be trying to look it up when you need it, save my number on your phone; it's 07866 803592 and I've got the numbers for a whole load of other useful assets like the MoD, Air Traffic, the Electricity Board and even the Distress and Diversion cell to contact an aircraft in the air.


I also mentioned to people in the talks about the 999 emergency text service. Did you know you can also text 999 (or 112, which is the internationally recognised emergency number) in the UK if you've enabled it on your phone. There may be times when you can't get a call out but can send a text. This http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/ is the link to the website which describes how to enable the service for your phone.


There was a discussion about how to put emergency contact numbers on your phone so people can access them without the password. If you have an iPhone then use the built in Health App (the white icon with the heart on it) which quickly helps you to put contact numbers and medical details onto your phone's Emergency Page. If you're an Android user then I believe it's in Owner Info under Settings-Security. There are also a number of Apps available should you not like the built in methods. Please do use these or add a number to your flightdeck or somewhere useful.


And finally, another plea that we all work towards that Open, Just Culture that I mentioned last December. So far this year the Club has had 4 incidents, for which I've only seen 2 incident reports. I'm interested in trends, in order to improve flight safety so please send me details of any times when you thought you maybe came close to an incident or when you think you just got lucky. I'm always willing to listen and we can all learn.


Happy, and safe, landings,



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[TVHGC Members] Big Fat Repack Lessons

Hi there everyone,


Last weekend’s BFR went very smoothly and was, once again, an excellent day with loads of positive feedback.  I thought I’d share some thoughts with you about reserves and some good hints and tips from the Incident Management Brief that Fi Burgess gave.


Of the 100 or so people who attended I noted down 22 individual faults in pieces of kit. There were 10 maillons without sufficient elastics to restrain the bridles in the correct orientation; there were 3 maillons with loose gate nuts, including 1 that was completely open; there were a couple of mouldy canopies and one that was arguably older than the pilot! My point is that with 500 members it’s likely that there are many other faults, minor and major lurking out there. When was the last time you practiced pulling your reserve and refitting to your harness (it can even stay packed in the inner container if you don’t fancy doing a complete repack), even if it’s straight from the manufacturer. If you’re not confident then get someone who knows what they’re doing to have a look for you and make sure you get to the BFR next year.


Fi’s Incident Management talks generated some interesting discussion and you can find the slides on the club website; I urge you all to have a look. I also have a request for you should you find yourself dealing with or being near an incident. After you’ve completed your initial actions of first aid, calling the emergency services and assisting where necessary, please call a member of the committee or ask someone to do so while you’re busy. There are things we can help with and also a number of other actions that we can be getting on with as a matter of urgency. Don’t be trying to look it up when you need it, save my number on your phone; it’s 07866 803592 and I’ve got the numbers for a whole load of other useful assets like the MoD, Air Traffic, the Electricity Board and even the Distress and Diversion cell to contact an aircraft in the air.


I also mentioned to people in the talks about the 999 emergency text service. Did you know you can also text 999 (or 112, which is the internationally recognised emergency number) in the UK if you’ve enabled it on your phone. There may be times when you can’t get a call out but can send a text. This http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/ is the link to the website which describes how to enable the service for your phone.


There was a discussion about how to put emergency contact numbers on your phone so people can access them without the password. If you have an iPhone then use the built in Health App (the white icon with the heart on it) which quickly helps you to put contact numbers and medical details onto your phone’s Emergency Page. If you’re an Android user then I believe it’s in Owner Info under Settings-Security. There are also a number of Apps available should you not like the built in methods. Please do use these or add a number to your flightdeck or somewhere useful.


And finally, another plea that we all work towards that Open, Just Culture that I mentioned last December. So far this year the Club has had 4 incidents, for which I’ve only seen 2 incident reports. I’m interested in trends, in order to improve flight safety so please send me details of any times when you thought you maybe came close to an incident or when you think you just got lucky. I’m always willing to listen and we can all learn.


Happy, and safe, landings,



24 Mart 2016 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Changeable Winds

Evening everyone,


Just your friendly neighbourhood Safety Officer here with a word to the wise about the weather tomorrow. With this ridge of high pressure passing over us, before the next front comes in you'll have seen how the winds are backing throughout the day and how people have been talking about usable windows and interesting XCs. So, with this changing picture, what does it mean for you? Back to the basics of reading the conditions:


Don't arrive at the hill with preconceived ideas about the weather.

Just because other people are flying doesn't mean you should be.

Just because it was fine an hour ago doesn't mean it's fine now.

Just because a bunch of people got away on XC an hour ago doesn't mean you have to.


Basically, nothing's changed has it, because that's how you evaluate conditions anyway. You look at the forecast, you go to the hill and look at the weather based on all sorts of factors and then you make a personal decision to fly or not to fly. Also, continue to evaluate the conditions while you're in the air. The wind may have changed while you've been flying so you may choose to bottom land when you might otherwise have top landed and parts of the hill may be in turbulence that were smooth earlier on.


So stay sharp and enjoy the day. I'll be out, and I'll make a decision on what I do based on what I see when I get there.


Happy, and safe, landings,









Sent from Mail for Windows 10


[TVHGC Members] Looking to borrow a lightweight mountain wing

Hello all,

Are there any TVHGC members in the Devizes / Pewsey / Wiltshire area who might be able to lend me a lightweight mountain wing for a few weeks? I'm 100kg so it would need to be a large; maybe you have an Ozone Ultralite lurking in your loft? Or a Geo gathering dust in your garage? Or a Gin Yeti yawning in your yard?  (ok that's enough now....)

If you might be able to help, it won't be getting much use; just one flight from altitude; landing and take off in the snow.  In the very unlikely event there was any damage, it would be rectified or the whole thing replaced.

Thank you for reading.


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21 Mart 2016 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] BFR Thanks



We would like thank the numerous people who helped out with this year’s event without which it would not be possible.


Also thanks for the donations towards the air ambulance.


Many thanks


The BFR Team

19 Mart 2016 Cumartesi

[TVHGC Members] TVHGC April Newsletter




TVHGC – Read All About It!

19th March 2016

Volume 1, Number 2

In This Issue

·    April Cub Meeting with Nancy and Carlo

·    Future Events & Articles – What's coming in the next newsletter

·    TVHGC Site Bites – 10 top tips for the beginning of the season

·    Comps & League Update – News of the club sites comp, the BCC and how we're doing in the league


A link to contact Nancy & Carlo

The venue for our club meetings

For the latest on paragliding XCs across the UK

Send, articles, pictures and general info to Mike here.

April Club Meeting & Social – the Swan Inn

Wednesday April 4th – 8 until 10pm



We're delighted to have Nancy Elliott & Carlo Borsattino as guest speakers for our April meeting. Flying against EN D and CCC wings, never flying in conditions they were uncomfortable with, they enjoyed some great XC adventures and won the 2015 UK XC League women and men's champions on an EN B and EN C respectively.


This promises to be a great interactive presentation, designed to inspire and inform those wishing to take their first steps toward doing XCs or the experienced XC pilot wishing to gain a better understanding of how the 'sky gods' do it!


Come along, hear the talk, and enjoy their journey!


Future Events and Articles

We'd like to encourage you to forward short articles about your flying experiences on Thames Valley sites. Nothing more than 150 words, so keep it tight. If you have a picture or two that would really help bring the experience to life (Anything to replace my rubbish Pics!).

We will also start running an article entitled 'Getting Back to the Hill!' As the title suggests it will focus on tips for getting back to take off. Our site at Gallows Down, AKA Combe Gibbet, will be the first site to feature.

Do send in any suggestions you feel others might benefit from!

TVHGC Site Bites

As Spring approaches and paragliders get dusted off please give a thought to the countryside code as you head for the hills. Lambing, calving, pheasant rearing, dog-walking, breaking in young horses and crop drilling is taking place all around our sites and also in the fields you may be landing in after your epic cross country, be it 9km or 90km. Here are the Top Ten:

1. Read and Respect: Our site guides including access routes, parking (no more than 5 cars in the Milk Hill car park, park in the correct place at Uffington) permitted landing areas etc. Ask if unsure.

2. Animals: Do all you can to avoid startling animals of any kind and ensure grazing animals can pass by freely.

3. Fences: Never climb over wire fences because it stretches the wire and loosens posts – there will be a gateway somewhere.

4. Access: Don't drive on to private land to collect your mates (or your kit, unless you have permission), they can walk to the road.

5. Landing at sites: Take off and fly only when you are certain you can land in a designated area and not on crops. If you are caught out and forced to land on a cropped field you must either apologise to the nearest farmworker and/or let me, the Sites Officer, know, or one of the Committee.

6. Landing out: We hope you'll have fabulous XC flights, so when you land away, out of courtesy try to find an owner/farmworker and let him/her know you have landed safely and take care in finding your way out.

7. Be polite and friendly: This applies to all passers-by and avoid spreading out all over the hill in the way of walkers.

8. Be a great ambassador: For the club and for our sport. We are trying to negotiate new sites and improve access on others so it's important to remember that landowners talk to each other. We have many stakeholders – farmers, landowners, land managers, gamekeepers, Natural England, National Trust.

9. Look out for each other: We do have some mavericks who behave inconsiderately, fly dangerously or who may not be club or BHPA members and may not have insurance – it is up to all of us to be courageous and approach anyone like this to encourage them to join the club, get better training if needed and to respect the rules that the rest of us comply with. If in doubt, just ask.

10. Finally, have a wonderful season, fly high, fly far and enjoy many soft landings.

Fi Burgess – TVHGC sites Officer

Comps & League Update


TVHGC Sites Comp

Well, the scores as of the 11th March show we now have 11 club members in the running, with current top dog having bagged just over 26% of the comp waypoints (16).

Current medal positions are:

1)     Chris Williams  2) Ian Pepper 3) Harry Bloxham

The odd warm day gives a hint of spring so download the waypoints and get involved! Don't forget there are surprise prizes, waypoint prizes, most waypoints achieved prizes . . . you get the picture. All prizes generously provided by the event sponsors Fiona Burgess and Cloudbase Paragliding

Need help? There's always someone around willing to help with equipment. As a club we really are knee-deep in equipment techno geeks! So just ask!

British Club Challenge (BCC)

All TVHGC pilots (yes, CPs too!) are invited to join this year's British Club Challenge (BCC) team. The challenge offers low airtime pilots the perfect opportunity to fly their first XCs in a safe and friendly environment, while offering an element of competition for more experienced pilots. TVHGC were runners up last year, out of 13 teams, so it would be great to improve on that, but it's the taking part that really counts...so please join us! See the website (http://www.flybcc.co.uk/) for more info or contact me directly (comps@tvhgc.co.uk) We have a dedicated Facebook page for sharing information about upcoming rounds, but if you don't use Facebook you are still invited! The challenge is huge FUN, as all those who have taken part in recent years will confirm. The entry fee has been paid already from TVHGC club funds so it's completely free to take part!

National XC League

The UK Paragliding and HG XC leagues are a great way to showcase the flights you've had whilst increasing the club's national profile. Any flights entered will be set against your primary club. The combined score of the top 4 pilots make up the club score. Our current crop of club deities are Nik Valiris and Alan Birtles, the only entrants for TVHGC, positioning the club in 19th.

Here's hoping Nik and Alan have some company on the old score board in our next BSN edition.




[TVHGC Members] BFR

To all those attending the BFR tomorrow (Sunday 20th)

Doors open at 10am, remember to bring your helmet, harness, gloves and reserve parachute, reserve manual and harness fitting instructions.  If you have not been given a manual with your reserve or harness, don't panic, normally someone else will have the same reserve and you can photocopy the manual at reception or download them from the internet.  There is also a standard BHPA way of packing PDA reserves.


Parking at the Rivermead sports centre is pay and display.  


While attending the event you'll be covered by the BHPA members' insurance policy. As this insurance applies to BHPA members only we will need to see a valid BHPA membership card on the day or we have got confirmation from the BHPA that you are a member. If you can't provide a card on the day we will be able to issue a "BHPA day membership" to provide insurance, but this will unfortunately cost £15.

We will be selling some mugs, DVDs, books and Xcertina bags to raise money for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance.  We don't have internet access to be able to take cards so please bring cash or cheque book for any purchases.

The Rivermead sports centre has a small cafe for the purchase of food and drink. If you are arriving early there is an excellent cafe, the Gorge, just up the road opposite the hotel on the roundabout near the river. 


For friends and partners the Rivermead is about 20-30min walk from Reading's main shopping area and close to the river which has many walks.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day.

BFR Team

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14 Mart 2016 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] Mercury

Dear all

Please see email below from Sky Surfers regarding Mercury flying site.




The top field at Mercury is  very soft at the moment. I would advise you NOT to drive in to the normal field at all. (You will get stuck and carve the ground up.) 

Until the ground is drier and firmer, parking (tidily) in the preceding yard area and walk through to the normal launch/landing field. (Don’t park on the verge of the track.) Please ensure you allow easy access for the farmer; he is back & forth at the moment retrieving straw bales from the yard.


We are now in the middle of the lambing season. Very soon the ewes and offspring will appear in the fields we use for launch or landing. During this period, be especially vigilant to:

 - Complete the site daily Check

- Close all gates

- Keep dogs under close control

- Land as far away as possible from the flock

 Thanks for all your support.

 Brian Parkins – Sky Surfers Sites Officer.


10 Mart 2016 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Re: BFR

I of course meant Sunday the 20th March!  Apologies.

On 10 March 2016 at 09:59, Jon Appleton <jon.apple@gmail.com> wrote:

The Big Fat Repack is taking place a week Saturday (20th March) at Rivermead Leisure Centre in Reading.

Preparing our equipment for the start of the season is an important step in keeping safe whilst flying.  As Pilots it is our responsibility to check our own equipment.  Repacking our reserves at least once a year is recommended by most if not all manufactures as the reserves can become perished, collect dirt, or get compressed preventing them from deploying correctly when you need them.

Each year we find reserves that fail to correctly deploy - don't let this be you.

You can sign up for the repack here: 

Places are strictly limited, sign up now!


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[TVHGC Members] BFR

The Big Fat Repack is taking place a week Saturday (20th March) at Rivermead Leisure Centre in Reading.

Preparing our equipment for the start of the season is an important step in keeping safe whilst flying.  As Pilots it is our responsibility to check our own equipment.  Repacking our reserves at least once a year is recommended by most if not all manufactures as the reserves can become perished, collect dirt, or get compressed preventing them from deploying correctly when you need them.

Each year we find reserves that fail to correctly deploy - don't let this be you.

You can sign up for the repack here: 

Places are strictly limited, sign up now!


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9 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

RE: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!

I agree in part, Robert.  However, in this case it was dark!  The good folks on the hill had just spent ages removing a wing from a tree by torchlight when the incident happened, having flown until sunset.  I don't think there is anything wrong with being a bit suspicious.  Most of us know everyone else on the hill by sight at least.  Someone new hanging around might be up to no good or might just be a shy new pilot.  Approaching a stranger and having a chat is a good thing to do for many reasons. But yes, if they are up to no good then photos/video would be great!


From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of robertager@ash-studios.co.uk
Sent: 09 March 2016 13:43
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!


Hi Jon


This is a worrying state of affairs and I saw the facebook entries about what happened. What is missing though is a description of the people attempting the threat and their car reg if seen.


No risk needs to be carried out by the person reporting this, just observe and post it. If the reporter is worried about mentioning this on a forum then you don't need to accuse just say that in your own opinion they were acting suspiciously. Trouble is by a very general statement that there were people acting suspiciously it probably does more harm than good as everyone is then under suspicion and on the whole we pilots (in my opinion) are a pretty honest lot.


I am very much against a policy of not trying to offend anyone. If thieves are thieving then they deserve to be reported on, if not to the authorities then at least to the potential victims ie us.


Treat this as a pilots "Neighbourhood Watch!"


I was at Combe/Battle of the Somme on Sunday and it was quite a busy place. The majority were families with very wet dogs and cars getting stuck in the mud. (Thanks to the pilot who helped me to get one family out of the mud.) But with pilots all at the bowl, the car park was left unattended and it would be good to be aware of suspicious characters to look out for rather than just saying we need to be vigilant.




From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jon Appleton
Sent: 08 March 2016 09:22
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!



There was a report yesterday from Combe of an unsuccessful attempt to steal some paragliding equipment.  The two men made a hasty departure once spotted, but it's a fair assumption they will be back.


Please ensure you keep one eye out for your own equipment and others.  If you do see something suspicious, either speak to the person or let others on the hill know what you have seen.


Pilots will not mind being challenged, but remember, stay safe and do not put yourself in danger.  The police are your first port of call if you are unable to resolve the situation by talking to the person.









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RE: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!

Hi Jon


This is a worrying state of affairs and I saw the facebook entries about what happened. What is missing though is a description of the people attempting the threat and their car reg if seen.


No risk needs to be carried out by the person reporting this, just observe and post it. If the reporter is worried about mentioning this on a forum then you don't need to accuse just say that in your own opinion they were acting suspiciously. Trouble is by a very general statement that there were people acting suspiciously it probably does more harm than good as everyone is then under suspicion and on the whole we pilots (in my opinion) are a pretty honest lot.


I am very much against a policy of not trying to offend anyone. If thieves are thieving then they deserve to be reported on, if not to the authorities then at least to the potential victims ie us.


Treat this as a pilots "Neighbourhood Watch!"


I was at Combe/Battle of the Somme on Sunday and it was quite a busy place. The majority were families with very wet dogs and cars getting stuck in the mud. (Thanks to the pilot who helped me to get one family out of the mud.) But with pilots all at the bowl, the car park was left unattended and it would be good to be aware of suspicious characters to look out for rather than just saying we need to be vigilant.




From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jon Appleton
Sent: 08 March 2016 09:22
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Thieves!



There was a report yesterday from Combe of an unsuccessful attempt to steal some paragliding equipment.  The two men made a hasty departure once spotted, but it's a fair assumption they will be back.


Please ensure you keep one eye out for your own equipment and others.  If you do see something suspicious, either speak to the person or let others on the hill know what you have seen.


Pilots will not mind being challenged, but remember, stay safe and do not put yourself in danger.  The police are your first port of call if you are unable to resolve the situation by talking to the person.









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8 Mart 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Re: TVHGC Social meeting "Our 2015 UK XC Season by Carlo & Nancy"

Next social meeting TVHGC meeting and event on the 6th April 2016The venue is the Swan Inn, Inkpen near Hungerford.

Grab some food and drinks from 6pm to 8pm, then from 8pm to 10pm we have Flybubble's Nancy and Carlo coming along to talk about 2015 XC and I hope everyone comes along to this.

Our 2015 UK XC Season by Carlo & Nancy

Be inspired and gain valuable insights into UK XC flying from this talk, as 2015 UK PG XC league winners Carlo Borsattino and Nancy Elliott talk through some the highlights of their 2015 XC season.

Competing against better, braver pilots on EN D and CCC wings, Carlo and Nancy flew EN C and EN B wings respectively. They never flew in conditions they were uncomfortable with, sometimes standing down whilst other pilots flew. Averaging 6 plus days work per week, they have to pick days carefully. Fortunately they had a high strike rate for 2015, although often with a lots of travelling, early starts, late finishes and long flights and retrieves in between!

2015 was the biggest ever for the UK paragliding XC league: most pilots (310); most flights (2116); highest total score (112647.5 points); furthest total distance flown (100016 km); highest total score by a club (4807 points); highest total score and furthest total open distance by any pilot (top 6 flights 1424.7 points, 1225.9 km). Beyond the numbers, many great XC adventures were enjoyed!

The talk will be in two roughly 45 minute sessions. If there's time we'll have a Q&A session at the end.

Mike Byfield

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[TVHGC Members] TVHGC Social meeting "Our 2015 UK XC Season by Carlo & Nancy"

Next social meeting TVHGC meeting and event on the 6th April 2016The venue is the Swan Inn, Inkpen near Hungerford.

Grab some food and drinks from 6pm to 8pm, then from 8pm to 10pm we have Flybubble's Nancy and Carlo coming along to talk about 2015 XC and I hope everyone comes along to this.

Our 2015 UK XC Season by Carlo & Nancy

Be inspired and gain valuable insights into UK XC flying from this talk, as 2015 UK PG XC league winners Carlo Borsattino and Nancy Elliott talk through some the highlights of their 2015 XC season.

Competing against better, braver pilots on EN D and CCC wings, Carlo and Nancy flew EN C and EN B wings respectively. They never flew in conditions they were uncomfortable with, sometimes standing down whilst other pilots flew. Averaging 6 plus days work per week, they have to pick days carefully. Fortunately they had a high strike rate for 2015, although often with a lots of travelling, early starts, late finishes and long flights and retrieves in between!

2015 was the biggest ever for the UK paragliding XC league: most pilots (310); most flights (2116); highest total score (112647.5 points); furthest total distance flown (100016 km); highest total score by a club (4807 points); highest total score and furthest total open distance by any pilot (top 6 flights 1424.7 points, 1225.9 km). Beyond the numbers, many great XC adventures were enjoyed!

The talk will be in two roughly 45 minute sessions. If there's time we'll have a Q&A session at the end.

Mike Byfield

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[TVHGC Members] Re: TVHGC Membership Renewals 2016/17

Folks, just in case others struggle to pay via Paypal and yes it can be a pain if you've not used Paypal for some time or don't want to use it ie. using 'guest'.   Unfortunately we rely on Paypal for now to handle payments including 'guest' credit and debit cards like many other clubs.   When you click the Paypal button on our website you will be directed to the Paypal website to make the transaction. If you are using a credit or debit card without logging in to Paypal 'guest' beware they will check their records with your cards.  If there was any link in the past to an account you will see the Paypal message:

"You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account" or "You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account, please log in. If you don't, please change the e-mail address or card number and try again."

The message is from Paypal thinking you've already set-up an account with them but you've not logged in, we can't get involved in the Paypal payment system as this is between the customer and Paypal.  Googling issues from Paypal customers suggest its where customer's use 'guest' and try to use a credit card number for a second time.

"The first time you pay through PayPal, PayPal automatically creates an account in their system against your c/card number and email address.

Later, if you ever try to use PayPal again and enter either the same c/card nbr or email address, PayPal recognises that you have an 'account' with them and requires you to login. ie you cannot check-out as a 'guest' with the same email address or c/card.

PayPal forces you to login to your account. Since you didn't consciously create an account in the first place, many people find this experience confusing and frustrating."

One way to get around it, if you have forgotten about your old PayPal account, is to use a different credit card and a different email address for this payment.  Alternatively, PayPal has on their site ways of reactiviating your PayPal account and updating any data that may be preventing you from making a purchase.

Another way is to pay your membership fee by email by creating a full Paypal account directly logging into Paypal https://www.paypal.com/uk and then use that via TVHGC website or use Paypal to send your £20 fee to membershippay@tvhgc.co.uk, or contact James at membership@tvhgc.co.uk and arrange an alternative method and yes he takes snail mail too :-)

I hope this helps

On 8 March 2016 at 12:08, Nik Valiris <nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

Just in case those didn't see the post from James our membership officer.

"Spring is just about upon us, which means it's time to check all your equipment over plus renew your TVHGC membership before it expires on 1st April. If you would like to re-join for the 2016/17 season please click on the link below and choose between online or cheque and post renewal:


We've kept the data gathering to a bare minimum and I'm sure you'll appreciate that we've also kept the subscription at just £20 again this year!


If you have any inquiries please email James at the address above.



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[TVHGC Members] Important notice to all Big Fat Repack attendees

Important notice to all Big Fat Repack attendees

For years the BFR has been considered the premier repack event in the country.   A well deserved accolade, with the event only being made possible due the tireless efforts of key individuals over many years.

Unfortunately, due to exceptional circumstances, we find ourselves without the necessary skillsets to provide the zip slide for this year's event.   The event will still go ahead.  It will still afford you the opportunity to deploy your reserve hanging in a static position and utilise all the normal BFR facilities for a repack.    The rest of the day's programme remains unchanged.

We realise this may come as a disappointment to many of you but our primary concern has to be your safety.  As a result of the zip slide not being available, we shall be issuing a refund of five pounds to each participant and a full refund should you wish to cancel completely.

The club considers a repack an essential safety activity of our flying year.  We strongly urge you to use your booking and encourage others to fill the remaining places.

Rest assured, we are already working on a plan to reinstate the zip slide next year. 

Kind Regards
Matt Rawlins
Chairman TVHGC

If you have further questions, please reply directly to me at chairman@tvhgc.co.uk rather than clutter the internet with multiple replies to the members@ email address.  Subject: BFR

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Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Membership Renewals 2016/17

Thanks Adrian.  Text sorted.  Not sure what happened with your Safari, I've just tied the same using Mac and Safari and it was okay.  I'll message you offline regards your membership anyhow as you don't need to do this.


On 8 March 2016 at 12:26, Adrian Thomas <adrian.thomas@zoo.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
Just tried rejoining and the form kicked me out when I pressed the submit button, leaving me now payment options and a blank form. Safari on Mac.

Bit of a typo in this section of the form too

After clicking on the submit button, please make your payment by eiAfter clicking on the submit button, please make your payment by either selecting the 'Buy now' option or by printing all pages of this completed form and posting it and a cheque to: TVHGC Memberships, The Old Squash Court, Warninglid Lane, Warninglid, West Sussex RH17 5TQ

On 8 Mar 2016, at 12:08, Nik Valiris <nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

Just in case those didn't see the post from James our membership officer.

"Spring is just about upon us, which means it's time to check all your equipment over plus renew your TVHGC membership before it expires on 1st April. If you would like to re-join for the 2016/17 season please click on the link below and choose between online or cheque and post renewal:


We've kept the data gathering to a bare minimum and I'm sure you'll appreciate that we've also kept the subscription at just £20 again this year!


If you have any inquiries please email James at the address above.


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