1 Ocak 2016 Cuma

[TVHGC Members] FW: Important notice for GIN Wide Open applicants and last chance



From: GIN Wide Open [mailto:toby=flywideopen.org@cmail20.com] On Behalf Of GIN Wide Open
Sent: 01 January 2016 21:37
To: Chris Williams <chr15williams@btinternet.com>
Subject: Important notice for GIN Wide Open applicants and last chance




GIN Wide Open


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Hi Chris

Important Notice for pilots if you've applied for the GIN Wide Open or are still thinking of applying

As you might know, last year we awarded GIN Wide Open (GWO) places on a "first-come-first-serve" basis.  As a result, several pilots were excluded from the chance to participate where for example they were not near an internet connection at the exact time the "gates opened".  This seemed to us a rather unfair method by which to select pilots.

This year, rather than a mad dash for the seats, we decided to give pilots a fair chance to apply for the limited places.  Once again, we have been overwhelmed with the number of applicants.  We already have over 300 applicants!

There are now only a few hours before we close registration and we wanted to make you aware of some key points regarding your selection and the selection process in general:

1.       Early applicants to the GWO have no increased chance of being selected over those applying towards the end the week.  Therefore, pilots should refrain from booking accommodation or making travel arrangements prior to being selected.  Please also kindly refrain from sending payment.  Your chances of being selected will not be enhanced.  To the contrary.

2.       It further follows that if you have yet to apply, please don't be deterred from applying.  You have until 1300 GMT on January 2nd and stand as equal a chance of being selected as anyone else.

3.       Several pilots seem to have completed their registrations forms with incorrect information. Whilst there is no need for you to include your insurance details at this early stage, if you answer questions regarding your flying experience incorrectly you might be precluded from participating.  For example, several pilots have answered "0km" as their longest XC flight whilst at the same time stating they had participated in a certain number of competitions.  Other pilots have state zero competition experience when they clearly have competed in previous competitions.  If you have not completed the questions regarding your flying experience correctly please amend your application as will refer to this when selecting pilots.

Thank you for supporting this event.  We look forward to letting you know whether or not your application has been successful as soon as possible.  Good luck!

The GIN Wide Open Team

PS  If you need to apply for a CIVL number you can do so by  using this link:






the fun competition

GIN Wide Open


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