31 Ocak 2016 Pazar

[TVHGC Members] Combe Gibbet open next week

It's that time of year again so from tomorrow 1st Feb Combe Gibbet is open for flying.  Can I ask the next pilot at the site to changes the sign on the gate from 'closed' to 'open'.


It's most local pilots' favourite site - easy parking at the top close to take-off, large, fairly smooth, grassy take-off and top and side landings, a bottom landing strip and wide soaring ridge and great XC potential later in the season in a NW'ly direction. Also good for ground handling and watching others if it's too strong for you.

Downsides are to beware of the barbed wire fence behind, which is well known for munching gliders and narrowish bottom landing strip with hazards of a slope, hawthorn hedge (more glider munching) and road alongside. Please do not land in the crop field in front - if you cannot top or side land you must aim for the landing strip.  It can also get quite busy at the weekend and mid week which look good for XC flying.  However it's a reasonably big escarpment and there are always opportunities to fly.

Full details are in the site guide on the web site and new visitors or low air timers are encouraged to contact any of the coaches for advice or ask any pilot on the hill for a site briefing.  If the weather starts playing ball it's better to go and try before the full force of the spring thermals start!


I would encourage pilots to explore this lovely site when flying within your abilities.  One of the great ways is through the TVHGC completion and exploring the Combe Gibbet waypoints.  Chris can help set you up if you join the social and meeting at the Swan this Wednesday.


I wish everyone safe flying on Combe Gibbet this year and great flights whether you are soaring, exploring the TVHGC completion and enjoying Cross Country flights.  On that last point if you are joining the UK XC League (xcleague.com) please support our club by making TVHGC as your 'club' rather than 'other club'.  Therefore your flight will appear in our club league.


Link to the Combe Gibbet site guide http://tvhgc.co.uk/index.php/tvhgcsites/combe-gibbet

Happy flying season!

Best wishes,

TVHGC Coaching Team and Sites Officer

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30 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

[TVHGC Members] 1st club meeting of 2016 - Wed 3rd Feb at 8pm

I’ve changed the start time for this coming Wednesday’s first club meeting of 2016 to 8pm to allow time for those who wish to eat in the bar beforehand.  Food service starts at 7pm.  I’m aware that some of you have a long drive to get to/from this venue and some come straight from work.  The aim therefore will be to start the meeting upstairs at 8pm sharp and to finish by 10pm. 

As the subject of the meeting is preparation for the Sites Competition, I've set up a little practice competition as a bit of fun! The attached picture shows the Swan Inn with 2 circles over it, a red “site circle” and a blue “waypoint circle”. These are similar to sites and waypoints in the Sites Competition itself.  One aim of the evening will be to set up your GPS devices to show these circles and then I hope to walk the course and see if we can bag the waypoint before repairing back to the warm and dry to download tracklogs.  This walk should be no more than 160 metres… if you’ve programmed your kit correctly and understood the task!  Sadly, this waypoint won't count in the comp proper!  ;-)  The only devices I can brief on are Kobo devices running XCSoar and the Garmin GPS 76 series, but I’m sure that others present will be able to help with other devices.


It would be really useful if you were to have a quick read of the instructions (attached) beforehand so we don't waste too much time on the basics.


Do please let me know if there’s anything you’d like specific help with.


07941 084101



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29 Ocak 2016 Cuma

[TVHGC Members] Marcus Morgan

All I can say was they feignd intrest at least. They phoned me back to take my statement. Wether I hear any more, I know not.

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28 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Marcus Morgan

How did you manage to get Action Fraud to take any interest whatsoever in Marcus/Morgan/Marcus?

I reported an eBay scam he/they were active in about 18 months ago and the response from AF was NIL, they seemed to have their attention more focused on the next cup of tea.

David Ebbs.

Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Way ahead of you on that. I was on the phone to action fraud this morning, they seem very intrested. We also found a group called the sisters of spam, an anti spam/scam collective. They've got lots on marcus morgan. Makes funny reading....... If you didn't fall for any of his (her...they read it as morgan marcus in the states) scams.

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27 Ocak 2016 Çarşamba

Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

This happened to me selling a harness two years ago. It's clever, nearly caught me out, but I figured out in time what was going on.
The idea is you cash his cheque, then it bounces, but meanwhile you have reimbursed him (and lost out)

On 27 Jan 2016, at 14:37, Ian Southwood wrote:

> I may be wrong here but...
> I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?
> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Ian a sigma 8 on sleeze bay starting at 400 quid - offer him 1000 euro and get your own back 🤑🤑🤑
See ya soon hey !

I am currently away from my computer. If this e-mail contains any typo's please blame them on my SlyPhone!

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 22:48, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
> Your too nice too fool us Francis
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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Your too nice too fool us Francis

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

No I run the scam but you are all too smart for me. Drat and double drat.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 10:09 PM, duncan rayner <duncan680@btinternet.com> wrote:
Pretty sure everyone is getting the hang of how it works. It is all about a clearing bank where all cheques go through. This takes time to clear and they always rely on you paying back their overpayment before you have worked out they have not actually paid you a bean  as they have no funds. You return their over payment  as electronic bacs and  they draw it out as soon as it is in their account. Happy days for the crim.
sound advice by all except poor old Francis who may well of had his pants down. so to speak.
On 27 Jan 2016, at 18:15, Ian Southwood wrote:

> Ah.. I did put my email add' in yes. So likely he's not skyad subscribed. I've just notified Action Fraud, and they seem very interested.
> I'm just a little miffed coz it woulda paid for a C wing. Anyone want a good A.
> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Pretty sure everyone is getting the hang of how it works. It is all about a clearing bank where all cheques go through. This takes time to clear and they always rely on you paying back their overpayment before you have worked out they have not actually paid you a bean as they have no funds. You return their over payment as electronic bacs and they draw it out as soon as it is in their account. Happy days for the crim.
sound advice by all except poor old Francis who may well of had his pants down. so to speak.
On 27 Jan 2016, at 18:15, Ian Southwood wrote:

> Ah.. I did put my email add' in yes. So likely he's not skyad subscribed. I've just notified Action Fraud, and they seem very interested.
> I'm just a little miffed coz it woulda paid for a C wing. Anyone want a good A.
> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Ah.. I did put my email add' in yes. So likely he's not skyad subscribed. I've just notified Action Fraud, and they seem very interested.
I'm just a little miffed coz it woulda paid for a C wing. Anyone want a good A.

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Thanks Ian for highlighting it.  If you didn't put your contact details in the clear (ie. in the advert) ensure you contact SkyAds who can remove the individual from the system.  If you put your contact details in the clear then you have no such cover.

On 27 January 2016 at 16:47, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks folks. My susspicion was up from the start. No name or home add' given despite asking many times. The cheque was for €3114, I wanted £800! Some overpayment. Thaught I'd warn others.
Please pass around.

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Thanks folks. My susspicion was up from the start. No name or home add' given despite asking many times. The cheque was for €3114, I wanted £800! Some overpayment. Thaught I'd warn others.
Please pass around.

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Report it to http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/scam-emails

On 27 Jan 2016 2:37 pm, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Sending a cheque for more than yhd amount and asking for the difference is a standard scam. As others have mentioned the cheque initially clears but then a number of weeks later it is found to be fake & the monies are removed. You are then minus your wing and the total cash.
If he wants the wing then bank transfer or no wing is my suggestion.

On 27 Jan 2016 15:27, <hburnaby@gmail.com> wrote:
The clue is in the overpayment. It is not the wing they want but cash. The only way to get you to send or handover money is to 'overpay'. This creates a transfer from you to the fraudster (for expenses or any other of a range of bogus reasons.) Everything else is just 'noise' around that single goal.

Inform the police. They may be able to set up a meeting and catch them.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 15:53, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Ian
> As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..
> Robert
> Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
> Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
> To: TVHGC members list
> Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam
> I may be wrong here but...
> I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?
> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

100% no doubt it's a scam and a old one too, don't even think about dealing with him

Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Jan 2016, at 15:24, Tommy Abdy Collins <tabdy48@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Ian,
Talk to your bank and ask their advice.  They will also know whether it is worth following up with the police.

On 27 January 2016 at 14:53, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Ian

As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..

Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK

-----Original Message-----
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
To: TVHGC members list
Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Tommy Abdy Collins
M: +44 (0) 7765 104 719

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

The clue is in the overpayment. It is not the wing they want but cash. The only way to get you to send or handover money is to 'overpay'. This creates a transfer from you to the fraudster (for expenses or any other of a range of bogus reasons.) Everything else is just 'noise' around that single goal.

Inform the police. They may be able to set up a meeting and catch them.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 15:53, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Ian
> As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..
> Robert
> Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
> Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
> To: TVHGC members list
> Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam
> I may be wrong here but...
> I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?
> --
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[TVHGC Members] marcus morgan scam

Hello all,


I can see this going down – Please pass this message on to everybody.


Just ‘Google’ – “marcus morgan scam”…………………. And you will see what I mean.




David Ebbs.

Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Hi Ian,
Talk to your bank and ask their advice.  They will also know whether it is worth following up with the police.

On 27 January 2016 at 14:53, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Ian

As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..

Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK

-----Original Message-----
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
To: TVHGC members list
Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Tommy Abdy Collins
M: +44 (0) 7765 104 719

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[TVHGC Members] Marcus Morgan is an (in)famous scammer.



SELLERS BEWARE MORGAN MARCUS morgan.mar1960@yahoo.co.uk. posted 3 years ago in Photography. poll: Have you been contacted by this scammer?

-----Original Message-----
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of robertager@ash-studios.co.uk
Sent: 27 January 2016 14:54
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Hi Ian

As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..

Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK

-----Original Message-----
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
To: TVHGC members list
Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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RE: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Hi Ian

As Nick said don't even go there. Even if the cheque clears, in a about a month's time the bank will claw back the money from you. Don't ask me how this works but I have friend who sold a car and two months later it was found that the cheque was fraudulently obtained and they took the money from him and he had also lost his car. Go back to the guy and tell him he can send you the money by PayPal, that will send him running..

Ash Studios: T: +44(0)208 844 1909 M: +44(0)7768 224444: Ash House: 34 Shelson Avenue: Feltham: Middlesex: TW13 4QU:UK

-----Original Message-----
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Ian Southwood
Sent: 27 January 2016 14:37
To: TVHGC members list
Subject: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Oh I didnt know they could freeze you like that. scrub my silly thoughts.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:45 PM, francis rich <francis@jfdiuk.com> wrote:
Just thinking out loud but

What is the harm in putting the cheque in? If it clears no problem. If it bounces they will get a returned cheque fee. As long as you don't give your address until you have cleared the funds you should be secure enough?

How would this scam work anyway? if the cheque clears and you are supposed to pay a refund, send the refund by bank transfer to the account on the cheque? tell him thats the law or something? Then you've sold the wing at your price and his job to collect it.
If all bona then no worries. If a scam its a pretty failed one?

Just curious, don't take my advice.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Just thinking out loud but

What is the harm in putting the cheque in? If it clears no problem. If it bounces they will get a returned cheque fee. As long as you don't give your address until you have cleared the funds you should be secure enough?

How would this scam work anyway? if the cheque clears and you are supposed to pay a refund, send the refund by bank transfer to the account on the cheque? tell him thats the law or something? Then you've sold the wing at your price and his job to collect it.
If all bona then no worries. If a scam its a pretty failed one?

Just curious, don't take my advice.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 2:37 PM, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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Re: [TVHGC Members] caution scam

Ian, unless you're absolutely certain don't put the cheque in! I was listening to Radio 4 this lunchtime (cue incoming banter) and there was a chap who had his account frozen for 6 weeks due to a dodgy cheque he'd put in that was identified as being part of a laundering scheme. It wax in euros too.

Nick S

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Jan 2016, at 14:37, Ian Southwood <i.m.southwood@gmail.com> wrote:
> I may be wrong here but...
> I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?
> --
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[TVHGC Members] caution scam

I may be wrong here but...
I've had my 'A' wing advertised on skyads. I had a foriegn chap who's English read like spam mail contact me, but he seemed intrested and wanted to pay by cheque, no worries I thaught, wings going no where till it clears. I kept asking for a name and address, but he didn't even sign his emails (marcus.morgan@yahoo is all I got). He said he would overpay to cover postage, and could I refund the diff' when his agent comes to collect the wing. ??? His cheque came today, in € when I asked for £, and for over x3 what I was asking. Needless to say I didn't put the cheque in. Is it worth reporting and to whom?

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26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: AGM proposal agenda item 3

Although I still have grave concerns about the lack of clarity on the policy of exercising this power the proposal itself does not radically alter the existing position, merely tightens the defence of any legal challenge to its exercise.

I have read the BHPA Articles of Association in their entirety and note that the only changes being proposed slightly modify the existing text in order to expressly include into an existing power the right to decline an existing member at renewal. Much of the debate raging about this proposal seems to believe that this is a new power being sought but, as I read the text, the power already existed implicitly in the text and was intended to exist, all that has happened is that the text has been examined and found to be weak ONLY in the area of excluding an existing member from renewing.  The explanation in January Skywings can be read as saying power to exclude at first application does not exist in the Articles when it clearly does.

Below I have copied the existing text from the 1992 Articles and written in red the proposed deletions and blue the proposed insertions. Presented in this way it makes it clear that the "new" thing is merely the explicit expression of what was previously only implicit in the text. That may make a big difference in people's perception of what is being proposed?

I am still voting against the proposal because I would like a full debate and members understand that (under article 7) they were always subject to the approval whims of a potentially capricious 2/3 of the Exec present and able to vote. I would like to see some clear policy guidance on what circumstances they would invoke this power. I don think that debate has had time to develop before the vote deadline and voting it down would force a debate on the entire issue over the next year..


4(b) Every person who wishes to be become a member of the Company or who wishes to renew his membership of the Company shall deliver to the Company, duly executed by him, an application for membership or consent to become a member of the company, in either case in such form as the Executive Council requires. Upon receipt of any application for membership, and subject to -: 
(i) the approval of the Executive Council, 
(ii) the payment of the minimum subscription in respect of the category of membership for the then current year and 
(iii) the provisions of this Article 4,
tThe Secretary shall enter the name of such person in the Register of Members of the Company, kept in accordance with Section 352 of the Act, and upon such entry such person shall become a member.

5 (b) The annual subscription payable to the Company by each member shall be payable to the Company on or before the anniversary of the date of entry by the member to the membership. before the expiry of any previous period of membership.

6. A member of the Company shall cease to be a member of the Company forthwith from the date of:- 
(a) delivery to the Secretary at the Office written intimation by that member giving notice of his/its intention to resign as a member of the Company; or 
(b) being an Individual member, upon death.
(c) the member's annual subscription for the current year being outstanding. 
(d) the conclusion of any previous period of membership*

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 9:43 PM, Paul Dowsett <googlemail-personal@netaxiom.net> wrote:
I've not seen the AGM agenda - would someone post a link?

What would this ruling be used for?  What scenarios have happened in the past that this would solve? Would ceasing communication with, and influence over, the individual actually have the desired effect? A list of explicit examples would be useful, to understand how frequently these situations occur.

It's a pretty serious forfeit. If it's as you describe, Francis, I tend to agree with your concerns.

On Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 7:53:58 PM UTC, francis wrote:
The proposal is to permit the exclusion of a member upon first or subsequent application (yearly renewal). Every member will be subject to approval by the eleven member executive each year.

Whilst I agree in principle that this is a measure that needs to be available, the current proposal does not contain any balancing elements. There is no appeal to the membership, no invitation to attend any meeting convened to exclude a member, no right to arbitration, no requirement to declare an interest and be excluded from the vote, no requirement for openness. A 6 to 5 vote in favour of exclusion with no safeguards and no right of appeal renders the power liable to abuse and potential victimisation of a member by just 6 of the 5000 or so membership, the remainder remaining ignorant that it has happened. This is not acceptable to me in a national sports association so I will be voting against the proposal.

Without any of these balances in place any exclusion will in any event be likely to be the subject of successful legal challenge, exactly as has been the case without any constitutional means of exclusion. It is ill thought out IMO and needs to go back to the drawing board.

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