It's that time of year again so from tomorrow 1st Feb Combe Gibbet is open for flying. Can I ask the next pilot at the site to changes the sign on the gate from 'closed' to 'open'.
It's most local pilots' favourite site - easy parking at the top close to take-off, large, fairly smooth, grassy take-off and top and side landings, a bottom landing strip and wide soaring ridge and great XC potential later in the season in a NW'ly direction. Also good for ground handling and watching others if it's too strong for you.
Downsides are to beware of the barbed wire fence behind, which is well known for munching gliders and narrowish bottom landing strip with hazards of a slope, hawthorn hedge (more glider munching) and road alongside. Please do not land in the crop field in front - if you cannot top or side land you must aim for the landing strip. It can also get quite busy at the weekend and mid week which look good for XC flying. However it's a reasonably big escarpment and there are always opportunities to fly.
Full details are in the site guide on the web site and new visitors or low air timers are encouraged to contact any of the coaches for advice or ask any pilot on the hill for a site briefing. If the weather starts playing ball it's better to go and try before the full force of the spring thermals start!
I would encourage pilots to explore this lovely site when flying within your abilities. One of the great ways is through the TVHGC completion and exploring the Combe Gibbet waypoints. Chris can help set you up if you join the social and meeting at the Swan this Wednesday.
I wish everyone safe flying on Combe Gibbet this year and great flights whether you are soaring, exploring the TVHGC completion and enjoying Cross Country flights. On that last point if you are joining the UK XC League ( please support our club by making TVHGC as your 'club' rather than 'other club'. Therefore your flight will appear in our club league.
Link to the Combe Gibbet site guide
Happy flying season!
Best wishes,
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