22 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Fwd: Membership Secretary


James Hope-Lang has kindly volunteered to take on the membership secretary role.  Very sensibly James is initially taking on the role on a six month trial basis.  After which hopefully he will decide to continue. 

On behalf of the rest of the committee I'd like to welcome James on board and thank him for helping the club.


Richard Ford
Comms Officer

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard Ford <richardford42@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat Jan 10 2015 at 12:39:33 PM
Subject: Membership Secretary
To: <tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com>


Unfortunately Debbie is unable to continue as the club's membership Secretary.  On behalf of all of the committee I would like to thank Debbie for all of her hard workhelping in the smooth running of the club.

In the short term the committee are sharing the membership role, but we would like to appoint a replacement.  The role comprises of:-

Membership Secretary
To keep relevant details of club members
To collect membership moneys.
To issue membership badges and packs.
To respond to requests for membership from non‐members.

If you are interested in giving a bot back to the club and sport by taking on this role please contact either myself (comms @ tvhgc.co.uk), Richard Bungay (chairman @ tvhgc.co.uk) or Simon Payne (secretary @ tvhgc.co.uk).


Richard Ford
Comms Officer

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