15 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

Re: [TVHGC Members] Dates for your diary, especially for aspiring competition pilots

Great, thanks Chris …. all very useful and in the calendar!



On 15 Jan 2015, at 08:50, comps@tvhgc.co.uk wrote:

Apologies to Thee, our lovely social events organiser, but I thought I would steal her thunder slightly and give you some advance notice of social events that have been confirmed for the next few months.  The reason I am doing this is that I promised some competition training sessions when I first introduced myself in my new TVHGC committee role as competitions person back in early December 2014 and I know that diaries fill up quickly.  Put these dates in your diary – you're bound to learn something and they should be great fun events, not just for aspiring comp pilots, but for anyone who wants to get more out of their flying, which should be all of us.

We've moved the venue for social events back to the Swan Inn at Inkpen, RG17 9DX (a short glide from Combe Gibbet)  http://www.theswaninn-organics.co.uk/ .  Meet from 7pm for food and drinks at the bar, events kick off upstairs around 8pm and are normally finished by 10pm or so.

Mar 4 - We're incredibly lucky to have secured a world class pilot and speaker for our first event of the year.  Toby Colombé is a world record breaking tandem pilot, World Cup competitor (he's competing now in Colombia – watch live here: https://airtribune.com/worlds2015/blog (you may need to copy and paste this link)), joint organiser and safety director of the Gin Wide Open, owner of Passion Paragliding, expert on paragliding safety etc etc.  He is rarely in the UK as he guides pilots on XC and SIV in Morocco, Turkey and France with the few gaps filled with competitions worldwide.  Toby will talk about a particular passion of his: "Skills required to fly safely & in thermic air".  As he says, "
I see so many pilots flying in more danger than they'll hopefully ever realise.  It's not a scary talk, but a debunk on how to fly the latest EN B and EN C wings, including some video footage".

Apr 1  - Nev Almond still insists on flying one of those old-fashioned rigid hang glider things, but does so rather well.  He's been doing it for more years than most and makes it look effortless.  He does like to keep us floppies in our place by showing us how it should be done; last summer he eclipsed Wagga's and Al Wilson's brand new PG XC records by setting his own, flying over 300 kms and only stopping because the North Sea got in the way:  http://www.xcmag.com/2014/08/almond-pastes-it-for-a-new-uk-hang-gliding-record/  Nev will be talking to us about "Kobo/XCSoar"; how to use the free XCSoar navigation software on budget Kobo e-readers, including a live replay of tricky bits of a real XC.
May 6 - Our own Chairman, Richard Bungay, needs no introduction.  Suffice to say that his many successes in world-class competitions make him eminently well qualified to talk about "GPS use".  This practical talk will provide essential information for anyone wishing to take part in competitions as well as for XC pilots.  Nothing beats pressing the buttons so we plan to do a little ground-based mini task exercise, with the goal almost certainly being back at the bar.  Bring your GPS!
Jun 3 - Various experts from the club plan to get together for a "Techie evening" to help advise on the best kit and how to use it.  Bring your toys!

More exciting events to be notified.


PS.  Nice comps article on p4 of January's "Skywings" – worth a read.

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