Just to let you know that registration of the Chabre Open, the best fun competition, opens on 21st February 18:00.
The comp filled in mins last year so you will need to register and pay by PayPal quickly. You will need details of your glider (including serial no if ozone), flying experience and emergency contact ready to complete the form.
If you want to make sure that your equipment is ready for the flying season bookings are open for the club's safety and repack event.
Hope to see you there and at the Big Fat Repack.
All the best,
From: Chabre Vol Libre [] On Behalf Of Chabre Vol Libre
Sent: 07 February 2016 16:27
Subject: Ozone Chabre Open 2016 - Rego Opens 21st Feb
Dear Pilots
Get ready! It's just two weeks to online registration for the 2016 Ozone Chabre Open. Registration opens at at 18.00 GMT (that's 19.00 central European time) on Sunday 21st February.
Planning for the 11th edition (2nd to 8th July) is already well under way at this end. While we are following our successful formula of fun flying in a learning environment, we have some innovations too. (See later)
Our 2016 entry is limited, as usual, to 125 pilots. Unchanged from last year, the cost is 240 euros for pilots not flying at Ozone wing, and 220 euros for those on an Ozone glider.
Payment is by PayPal ONLY – please check your account before hand! You will be prompted to pay immediately to confirm your place, if you do not do so you will be placed on the waiting list.
Once the competition is full, the payment page will be closed, and pilots registering after this will be automatically placed on the waiting list. We will contact you later, if a place becomes available.
New for 2016, we have introduced a new 'Fun' class, alongside our regular Recreation, Sport and X Classes. Also, classes this year will be determined by rating and aspect ratio (AR) of pilots' wings rather than just EN rating. We feel this is fairer. Full details are on the website, but essentially, Fun class is EN B or below with an AR of 5.2 or less. Recreation is EN B or below and AR of 5.3 to 5.7. Sport is EN C or below and AR of 5.8 to 6.3. And X-Class is EN D or below and AR greater than 6.3.
Of course, we still have Rookies and Women's classes for extra prizes!
Physical registration will be on Friday 1st July, with a practice task planned for Saturday 2nd July. First full competition day will be Sunday 3rd July. Check out the website for the full rules, programme for the week and information on accommodation and flying in the area. See also our Facebook page at Flylaragne.
Rgds Brian & the Organising Team Chabre Vol Libre
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