1 Mayıs 2016 Pazar

[TVHGC Members] TVHGC May Newsletter




TVHGC – Read all about it!

1st May 2016

Volume 1, Number 3

In This Issue

·    The Star Wars Day Club Meeting – Clouds

·    An article for everyone – Getting Back to the Hill featuring Combe Gibbet

·    What you missed last month!

·    A Pilot's Tale from BCC Day

May Club Meeting & Social – the Swan Inn

Wednesday May 4th – 8 until 10pm (Star Wars Day)

Following on from some excellent presentations from Marc Asquith and Nancy and Carlo, this month's plan is to have something aimed at learning and discussion. The plan is for a kind of 'round table' session, giving everyone the opportunity to discuss several key topics.


The main topic will be the sky in which we play, with a focus on understanding clouds. For this session we'll be joined by Chris Pittaway, a veteran military and GA pilot, who writes part of the CAA examination. He will kick off with a brief presentation before we settle into the Q&A.


If time allows, we'll also touch on thermal sources and triggers and goal setting.


In light of some rather prickly weather of late this promises to be a great opportunity gain some insight and know what signs to look for, whether it be to maximize the day or decide to stay on the ground!


Come along – All are welcome!

Getting Back to the Hill – Combe Gibbet (CG)


Going XC is challenging, but sometimes the worry about how to get back can often be the deterrent that stops us taking those first steps.

As promised, we're starting our 'Getting back to the hill' article with Combe Gibbet, probably one of the best flying sites in southern England. Our site at Gallows Down, just outside Inkpen, has a grisly past captured in the 1940's film 'The Black Legend' that tells the tale of how George Broomham & Dorothy Newham, the only two people executed on Combe, had themselves been found guilty of the murder of George's wife and son. But enough of that. More recently CG has recently seen several good days, and a few late evenings for those lucky enough to get away.

Here are a few tips you can ponder before you 'up, up and away!'


Decide on a destination before take-off - Sharing your destination and the possibility of flying with others can significantly reduce the level of stress felt before going XC. This also allows you to position retrieve vehicles, or decide on the nearest station. As an added bonus to helps when checking maps and airspace. Four Marks, Petersfield and Whitchurch are popular destinations!


Identify buses, trains, taxis - Store key numbers. If you make it to Andover bear in mind that taxis from Andover stn will usually be around £25 (£2 per mile at 13 miles). Not too bad when shared with 2 or 3 others. If you go further it's worth buying a rail card (about £30). You save a 1/3 of your rail fares so worth considering. Although stations such as Kintbury may be closer to the hill, it's often more difficult to get a taxi, and this may mean higher charges.


Join the local retrieve group – XC Retrieve, Telegram or even Facebook are great ways to link up with others who may be close to you after a XC. This will also alert others of your location should you need advice on getting back.


Hitchhiking – Hitchhiking is a legitimate form of transport within the UK, but only on highways where pedestrians are allowed. This is not an option for everyone as there are concerns for both driver and hitcher alike with regard to safety. For those willing to give it a go a tip would be to have a placard / notice stating you are a pilot or indicating your destination. Be prepared for a long wait as few drivers are willing to take the risk.

Last Month's Presentation - Nancy & Carlo

For those of you who were unable to attend the talk by Nancy and Carlo, the 2015 XC league men's and lady's champion, here are some of the highlights:

      Commentary from Nancy and Carlo on how they enjoyed their flying and happen to come top of the XC League (Nancy on an EN B, and Carlo on an EN C)

      Tips on equipment, planning, goal setting

      Q&A analysis of key flights

      As well as some amazing photos!


Their achievement can not, and should not be underestimated. They were both top in a year that saw the most number of pilots enter flights (310), with the highest number of flights (2116), covering the greatest distance in any one season since records began (100,015km).


Those of us that were there enjoyed a great evening!


Tales from Sunday 17th April – BCC Day

(Picture courtesy Alex Jovy)

Following on from the above article, 'CG – Getting Back to the Hill', a tale of one flight from Combe on that extraordinary day. The history books will record the day as being the second biggest day in terms of league points scored, and even made the top 10 in terms of flights.

(The editor's story – Mine!)

The day on Combe was exactly as forecast with light NW and clear blue sky. The fact it was very cold is probably worth mentioning! Everything was set; 5 star RASP, BCC on Combe, and clouds popping by 10am.

As the cycles started to come through the mass squadrons built quickly, but good climbs were limited. Kirsty was the early star, weaving her way through the crowd, and already at base and on the first leg of her triangle whilst most of us struggled. Hats off to the return of the sky goddess!

Large gaggles started leaving around 11 ish. I managed to hold on to a slow climb out with an Omega XA and a few others. As we moved toward Andover, we hooked up with a lime green Gin and a white and green Rise, staying together using climbs of between 3 and 5mps until we reached Popham. After one more climb together we split up.

As I approached Petersfield, the situation changed from clouds being far apart to very large areas of shade. For a while it looked like 'Last stop Petersfield', but as I crept over the ridge just before the town, I hit a 3 up which eventually got me to just over 3, 500ft. Pushing south to avoid airspace as it was too risky to go under, the lack of opportunity over shady ground meant it was a slow, but uninterrupted glide down to Cocking.





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