If you’re already on Telegram please remind yourself of the easy-to-follow rules that benefit us all (below).
If you’re not on Telegram, but would like to be, read on:
Telegram is an app that enables messages to be shared securely within a group. We’ve got 2 groups: TVHGC Site Reports and TVHGC XC Group. When you send a message it is shared with all the group members – hundreds of us! Please note; the groups are not called Idle Chat group or Banter Your Mates group. Nuff said. Please use other clubs’ groups for non-TVHGC sites and the usual forums etc for other stuff.
Here’s how to join in:
1. Download Telegram https://telegram.org/
2. Run through the joining procedure with your first and last names (no pseudonyms please) and mobile number with international code
3. Enter the code that will be sent to you
4. Send me an email or text including:
- your first and last names
- your mobile number
- which group(s) you’d like to join
A few guidelines to keep us on track:
RULE 1: Include the site you are at. When you post please add all relevant information so that others can make a decision on whether or not to join you. Essential information often missed is where you are!
RULE 2: Keep it brief and relevant. e.g. “Milk Hill, light SW wind, thermic, 3 wings airborne, 2 gone xc” or “Combe, fog, lots waiting, rain just started, don’t bother!”
RULE 3: Be nice! Please be polite etc
RULE 4: No Rule 4 (Monty Python references limited to this rule only)
RULE 5: This group is open to anyone, not just TVHGC members, as long as, if they post a message, they are a reliable source of relevant information. Remember though that you need to be a TVHGC member to fly our sites http://www.tvhgc.co.uk/index.php/join-the-club
RULE 6: Please feel free to add new members, but only if Rule 5 applies.
RULE 7: No chat! See Rule 2
RULE8: If you don’t like the rules don’t join! Persistent rule breakers will be deleted from the group.
Thank you!
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