17 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] TVHGC AGM News!

Hi all

The TVHGC AGM - Date Change

The date for our big event, our club AGM has changed. Originally the 18th November, it is now booked for 2nd December.

We'll have awards and prizes, free food, voting for new committee members, and other club highlights. Our key presenter will be Adrian Thomas, so a great evening for all is promised.

Save the date- 2nd December - pass it on!

See you there 

Mike Byfield
07443 874251

On 26 Sep 2016, at 08:40, Mike Byfield <mikebyfield@btopenworld.com> wrote:

Hi all


Please find attached a newsletter with details of our next club meeting Wednesday 5th, advanced notice of our AGM on the 18th November, and other bits of club news.

As always, please send your comments , photos and stories!

Mike Byfield
07443 874251



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