26 Ekim 2016 Çarşamba

[TVHGC Members] Free.aero Mojo 5 prize draw

From Ruth Jessop at Free.aero:


Just a little email (which I would be really grateful if you could pass onto club members) that free.aero magazine are having a prize draw this Sunday with an Ozone Mojo 5 as one of the prizes.
The draw is free, all you have to do is go onto the free.aero website and enter.


Best wishes for some nice autumn flying.
Ruth Jessop.

--   Steve Uzochukwu,  Resource/Technical Manager and Support Engineer.  07973 713120.  

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18 Ekim 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] TVHGC Meeting - Wednesday 2nd November

TVHGC Meeting - Wednesday 2nd November 

Our November club meeting will be at the Swan, Inkpen. The topic for this meeting will be 'XC planning - Flying Off & Getting Back!' Our guest speaker will be Tim 

This will be a great opportunity to discuss and gain an insight into planning your flight, but also on tools to help with getting back to the hill.

Good food and great company - Come and join us!

Mike Byfield
07443 874251

17 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi

Re: [TVHGC Members] Colombia 2017

Hi Lee,

Have you got any prices yet.



> On 17 Oct 2016, at 11:30, Lee Bligh <office@cloudbaseparagliding.com> wrote:
> As the summer season drifts to an end and we start to dread the onset of the long winter ahead, do no despair, for all is not lost! This is the time of year when Cloudbase Paragliding like to get their annual Colombia Adventure finalised, so here is some information for those of you who would like to escape the post New Year blues and join us for our 2017 adventure.
> For those who have not been to Colombia before, it really is a stunning flying arena and a cultural delight. The beautiful mountains and valleys, the fantastic people, the great food, the quintessential South American vibe and the reliable flying climate really make this a must visit winter destination.
> This year we will be running two trips, 21st Jan-4th Feb and 4th Feb-18th Feb 2017. The first will be for lower airtime pilots looking for a real flying adventure where they can build experience while under the guidance of two BHPA Senior Instructors, the second for more seasoned pilots with some XC experience, who want to improve their skills and do some serious XC flying.
> The trips are great value, especially as the direct flights to Bogota are so cheap, and include the services of two Senior BHPA Instructors, each with over 25 years experience, local flying guides, tour manager and admin guru, a professional driver with air conditioned bus, all guiding and in-flight assistance, ground school/briefings and post flight analysis as required, XC retrieves (with a cold beer waiting!), all accommodation in stunning old fincas or hotels including breakfasts, a couple of BBQs and other non flying activities for the day off.....yes we have one as you will need it! Once there, evening meals are exceptionally cheap so you will need little local currency.
> The first group will fly into Cali and start at Pedechinche, a nice easy site with good potential, ideal for getting you settled in, improving your thermalling techniques and flying your first XCs. After four or five days we head north to Ansermanuevo, a beautiful mountain site with a cool ride up in Willy's Jeeps.....you will be amazed how many people can get on one jeep! Once again, we will be setting XC tasks in a nice easy arena with both airborne and ground based guidance to maximise your airtime. After another four days here we head north again and spend the remainder of our time at the stunningly beautiful Jerico, a site with jaw dropping views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. At the end of the trip you fly out of Medellin as the second group arrive. The second group will start at Jerico and then head south, and may include a day at the famous Roldanillo, although all the sites are equally as good if not better! At the end of the trip we fly home from Cali, probably in a depressed state at the thought of returning to the UK!
> This really is a trip to remember, with great flying, wonderful local people and lots of fun. The place is very civilised and safe, the infrastructure is excellent and it is a cultural extravaganza...you will not be disappointed! Look at the videos of our previous trips to get an idea of what lies ahead.
> If you would like to join us, or have any further questions about this wonderful flying adventure, please contact Lee as soon as possible, as places are limited. Once you are confirmed and the trip is finalised, further detailed information will be forthcoming.
> https://vimeo.com/119990055
> https://vimeo.com/156455594
> Lee and Dave
> Cloudbase Paragliding Ltd
> --
> --
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[TVHGC Members] Colombia 2017

As the summer season drifts to an end and we start to dread the onset of the long winter ahead, do no despair, for all is not lost! This is the time of year when Cloudbase Paragliding like to get their annual Colombia Adventure finalised, so here is some information for those of you who would like to escape the post New Year blues and join us for our 2017 adventure.

For those who have not been to Colombia before, it really is a stunning flying arena and a cultural delight. The beautiful mountains and valleys, the fantastic people, the great food, the quintessential South American vibe and the reliable flying climate really make this a must visit winter destination.

This year we will be running two trips, 21st Jan-4th Feb and 4th Feb-18th Feb 2017. The first will be for lower airtime pilots looking for a real flying adventure where they can build experience while under the guidance of two BHPA Senior Instructors, the second for more seasoned pilots with some XC experience, who want to improve their skills and do some serious XC flying.

The trips are great value, especially as the direct flights to Bogota are so cheap, and include the services of two Senior BHPA Instructors, each with over 25 years experience, local flying guides, tour manager and admin guru, a professional driver with air conditioned bus, all guiding and in-flight assistance, ground school/briefings and post flight analysis as required, XC retrieves (with a cold beer waiting!), all accommodation in stunning old fincas or hotels including breakfasts, a couple of BBQs and other non flying activities for the day off.....yes we have one as you will need it! Once there, evening meals are exceptionally cheap so you will need little local currency.

The first group will fly into Cali and start at Pedechinche, a nice easy site with good potential, ideal for getting you settled in, improving your thermalling techniques and flying your first XCs. After four or five days we head north to Ansermanuevo, a beautiful mountain site with a cool ride up in Willy's Jeeps.....you will be amazed how many people can get on one jeep! Once again, we will be setting XC tasks in a nice easy arena with both airborne and ground based guidance to maximise your airtime. After another four days here we head north again and spend the remainder of our time at the stunningly beautiful Jerico, a site with jaw dropping views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. At the end of the trip you fly out of Medellin as the second group arrive. The second group will start at Jerico and then head south, and may include a day at the famous Roldanillo, although all the sites are equally as good if not better! At the end of the trip we fly home from Cali, probably in a depressed state at the thought of returning to the UK!

This really is a trip to remember, with great flying, wonderful local people and lots of fun. The place is very civilised and safe, the infrastructure is excellent and it is a cultural extravaganza...you will not be disappointed! Look at the videos of our previous trips to get an idea of what lies ahead.

If you would like to join us, or have any further questions about this wonderful flying adventure, please contact Lee as soon as possible, as places are limited. Once you are confirmed and the trip is finalised, further detailed information will be forthcoming.



Lee and Dave

Cloudbase Paragliding Ltd

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[TVHGC Members] TVHGC AGM News!

Hi all

The TVHGC AGM - Date Change

The date for our big event, our club AGM has changed. Originally the 18th November, it is now booked for 2nd December.

We'll have awards and prizes, free food, voting for new committee members, and other club highlights. Our key presenter will be Adrian Thomas, so a great evening for all is promised.

Save the date- 2nd December - pass it on!

See you there 

Mike Byfield
07443 874251

On 26 Sep 2016, at 08:40, Mike Byfield <mikebyfield@btopenworld.com> wrote:

Hi all


Please find attached a newsletter with details of our next club meeting Wednesday 5th, advanced notice of our AGM on the 18th November, and other bits of club news.

As always, please send your comments , photos and stories!

Mike Byfield
07443 874251



4 Ekim 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Tomorrow's TVHGC Social Meeting

TVHGC Social Meeting 

Tomorrow's meeting will kick off at 8pm on the dot. The topic is 'Flying with fear'. I'll present my personal experience for the first 20 minutes (ish), but the evening is about discussion.

Pub open from around 6.45 for those looking for a bite to eat.

See y'all there! 

Mike Byfield
07443 874251