21 Kasım 2015 Cumartesi

[TVHGC Members] Committee roles - please help!


Our AGM is next Friday.  All roles on the committee are up for re-election, We currently do not have any volunteers for the roles of Safety Officer and Events Secretary.  Our club constitution states that we MUST have a Safety Officer for the club to operate.  Can you help?  if you can please contact a member of the committee ASAP. Thank you!

Roles on the committee have been freed up by Ken, Richard Bungay and Thee leaving the committee.  Thee has worked hard trying to get us all have fun at social events (which with miserable so and so likes me is not easy), especially in organising the summer BBQ.  Ken and Richard have been ever present on the committee for all the 13 years I have been a member of the club.  They have worked tirelessly to make TVHGC what it is today.  I would personally like to thank them for all the help they have given me and the club over the years.  Why not join us at the AGM and help the club to say thank you.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Comms Officer.  

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