Don't you mean Steve Nash not Simon 😕
-------- Original message --------
From: Richard Ford <>
Date: 05/11/2015 22:44 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: [TVHGC Members] AGM
The AGM will be at the Swan Inn at Inkpen on the 27th November 2015. There will be a free buffet. We will be treated to a talk from Simon Nash and our very own Richard Bungay about there adventures in this years X Alps. It promises to be entertaining and inspirational.
Your club needs your help! Without volunteers it does not function. All of the committee roles are up for re-election. These post are:-
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Safety Officer
- Sites Officer
- Social Secretary
- Competitions Officer
- Club Coach
- Membership Secretary
- BFR Coordinator
- Communications Officer
If you can help with any of these roles please contact a committee member to stand. At present we have nobody standing for the following roles:-
- Safety Officer
- Social Secretary
- Communications Officer
Thank you and see you at The Swan!
Comms Officer
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