14 Eylül 2018 Cuma

[TVHGC Members] First Aid course

First Aid course for paragliding/hang gliding and paramotoring.

Whitehorse Flying School are, again, offering places on their instructor's first aid course to members of the Challow Paramotor Club and the Thames Valley Hang Gliding Club.
This cvourse complies with the BHPA requirement for first responders qualification for instructors and coaches. It is tailored to suit the sorts of incidents we can expect in our sport.

First places will be given to the returning members of our last course 3 years ago (in February) as their qualification will be due for renewal.
The course will be "at cost" and in a local village hall. Last time it was around £100 and was conducted by Ken Raines ( BHPA examiner and long time First Aid course provider). We hope to book him again this time.

Anyone interested please email me. There are 9 places available. If we get a big enough response to put on two courses we will do so (subject to course provider availability)
It will be in early February 2019 in the Swindon/Marlborough/Hungerford area.

Kind regards
Francis Rich
CFI Whitehorse Flying School

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