26 Temmuz 2017 Çarşamba


It belongs to Angus Gilespie on +447743932403

On 26 Jul 2017 18:38, "Mike Hibbit" <mike.hibbit@icloud.com> wrote:
I found an ADVANCE glider bag with contents at Combe yesterday at the end of the day. This was about 6 30pm.
After a sweaty day with a non soarable wind and very few decent cycles, the wind picked up mid afternoon but from the west, as predicted.
Suddenly at about 5 30 after most people had left, a steady wind sprang up smack on the hill. The few of us still there enjoyed some excellent thermic conditions for about an hour!

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I found an ADVANCE glider bag with contents at Combe yesterday at the end of the day. This was about 6 30pm.
After a sweaty day with a non soarable wind and very few decent cycles, the wind picked up mid afternoon but from the west, as predicted.
Suddenly at about 5 30 after most people had left, a steady wind sprang up smack on the hill. The few of us still there enjoyed some excellent thermic conditions for about an hour!

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20 Temmuz 2017 Perşembe

Re: [TVHGC Members] Update of my email address - PLEASE AMEND YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY


Thanks for the update. 

Can you also log in to WebCollect and update your email details there?



On 20 Jul 2017, at 12:46, Darren Odell <darrenlodell@gmail.com> wrote:

A very quick email to people I have listed in my outlook contacts list.


After receiving more and more junk emails into my darren.odell@btinternet.com email account I have now decided to permanently change to my Gmail address.


Please update your contact email address that you have for me to darrenlodell@gmail.com





With my warmest regards


Darren Odell


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[TVHGC Members] Update of my email address - PLEASE AMEND YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY

A very quick email to people I have listed in my outlook contacts list.


After receiving more and more junk emails into my darren.odell@btinternet.com email account I have now decided to permanently change to my Gmail address.


Please update your contact email address that you have for me to darrenlodell@gmail.com





With my warmest regards

Darren Odell


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