28 Aralık 2017 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] AGM reminder


The annual AGM and prize giving will be held at The Bear Hotel, Hungerford on 5th January 2018 at 7pm.  We are providing a free buffet for all attending.

All the posts on the committee are up for election.  A list of the roles can be found at https://tvhgc.co.uk/index.php/committee.  If you would like to help the club by standing please contact me at secretary@tvhgc.co.uk

See you on the 5th.

Richard Ford
TVHGC Club Secretary  

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31 Ekim 2017 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Adrian Thomas... The Life scientific

Driving in to work this morning listening to Radio 4… Who is on The Life Scientific ?

Adrian Thomas!

Just brilliant , a "must listen" for all


29 Eylül 2017 Cuma

[TVHGC Members] Fwd: BHPA Club Bulletin

For all BHPA members...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Michelle-Lanman <michelle-lanman@bhpa.co.uk>
Date: 29 September 2017 at 09:36:41 BST
To: Michelle Lanman <michelle-lanman@bhpa.co.uk>
Subject: BHPA Club Bulletin

The latest BHPA Club Bulletin is now available.
Click on this link to download the PDF. (Or visit the Bulletin page of the web site.)

Kind Regards,

Michelle Lanman
Office Manager

British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association Ltd
8 Merus Court
Meridian Business Park
LE19 1RJ

Telephone No. 0116 289 4316


British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association Limited.
A company limited by guarantee and registered in England no 2618166    
Registered office: 340 Melton Road, Leicester, LE4 7SL

1 Eylül 2017 Cuma

Re: [TVHGC Members] Sothern Club Summer BBQ

Very sorry but I am away on the 16th which is a shame as I very much enjoyed last years BBQ.

Many Regards  Vincent Masi  8 The Bramptons  Shaw Ridge  W.Swindon  Wilts SN5 5SJ  07850872896  01793 877713  
On 8/29/2017 5:35 PM, Richard Ford wrote:

The lovely folks from the Southern Club have extended an invite to their Summer BBQ to all TVHGC members.  Details from their Facebook event page as follows:

"Location BN8 5JS
It's my job to arrange our annual summer BBQ this year, I hope I can rely on everyone's eagerness to come and get fed, have a drink, relax, camp, tell stories round the campfire.
as usual there is a small levy for food and field, but at only £10 who can resist.

This is on Saturday 16th September. 

Starting around 18.00. 

Ending on Sunday 17th whenever you feel fit enough to leave. 

Carrying on until everyone falls asleep. Stay as late as you need too, but be warned, we may end up roping you into helping us sort out the aftermath. 😳 

Please use the PayPal link to pay for your tickets in advance. 

Buying your tickets well in advance allows us to work out our budgeting costs before the day.


Family members are welcome too. 

Bring your own;

Camper van. 
Aircraft carrier. 
Story telling pants. 
Sense of humour. 
You will not be penalised for forgetting any of the above. 

If there are excessive funds left over I would like to raise funds for the Air Ambulance, hell, even if there are not any funds left over, let's try to raise money for the air ambulance anyway.

How about a tombola?
Tombola prizes required. 

Other ideas welcomed."
It should be a fun evening!Rich

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29 Ağustos 2017 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Sothern Club Summer BBQ


The lovely folks from the Southern Club have extended an invite to their Summer BBQ to all TVHGC members.  Details from their Facebook event page as follows:

"Location BN8 5JS
It's my job to arrange our annual summer BBQ this year, I hope I can rely on everyone's eagerness to come and get fed, have a drink, relax, camp, tell stories round the campfire.
as usual there is a small levy for food and field, but at only £10 who can resist.

This is on Saturday 16th September. 

Starting around 18.00. 

Ending on Sunday 17th whenever you feel fit enough to leave. 

Carrying on until everyone falls asleep. Stay as late as you need too, but be warned, we may end up roping you into helping us sort out the aftermath. 😳 

Please use the PayPal link to pay for your tickets in advance. 

Buying your tickets well in advance allows us to work out our budgeting costs before the day.


Family members are welcome too. 

Bring your own;

Camper van. 
Aircraft carrier. 
Story telling pants. 
Sense of humour. 
You will not be penalised for forgetting any of the above. 

If there are excessive funds left over I would like to raise funds for the Air Ambulance, hell, even if there are not any funds left over, let's try to raise money for the air ambulance anyway.

How about a tombola?
Tombola prizes required. 

Other ideas welcomed."
It should be a fun evening!Rich

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26 Temmuz 2017 Çarşamba


It belongs to Angus Gilespie on +447743932403

On 26 Jul 2017 18:38, "Mike Hibbit" <mike.hibbit@icloud.com> wrote:
I found an ADVANCE glider bag with contents at Combe yesterday at the end of the day. This was about 6 30pm.
After a sweaty day with a non soarable wind and very few decent cycles, the wind picked up mid afternoon but from the west, as predicted.
Suddenly at about 5 30 after most people had left, a steady wind sprang up smack on the hill. The few of us still there enjoyed some excellent thermic conditions for about an hour!

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I found an ADVANCE glider bag with contents at Combe yesterday at the end of the day. This was about 6 30pm.
After a sweaty day with a non soarable wind and very few decent cycles, the wind picked up mid afternoon but from the west, as predicted.
Suddenly at about 5 30 after most people had left, a steady wind sprang up smack on the hill. The few of us still there enjoyed some excellent thermic conditions for about an hour!

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20 Temmuz 2017 Perşembe

Re: [TVHGC Members] Update of my email address - PLEASE AMEND YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY


Thanks for the update. 

Can you also log in to WebCollect and update your email details there?



On 20 Jul 2017, at 12:46, Darren Odell <darrenlodell@gmail.com> wrote:

A very quick email to people I have listed in my outlook contacts list.


After receiving more and more junk emails into my darren.odell@btinternet.com email account I have now decided to permanently change to my Gmail address.


Please update your contact email address that you have for me to darrenlodell@gmail.com





With my warmest regards


Darren Odell


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[TVHGC Members] Update of my email address - PLEASE AMEND YOUR ADDRESS BOOK ENTRY

A very quick email to people I have listed in my outlook contacts list.


After receiving more and more junk emails into my darren.odell@btinternet.com email account I have now decided to permanently change to my Gmail address.


Please update your contact email address that you have for me to darrenlodell@gmail.com





With my warmest regards

Darren Odell


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6 Haziran 2017 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Air Ambulance Visit

To all TVHGC Members:

I've arranged a visit to the Air Ambulance Operations at Wilts Police HQ in Devizes on Wed 14th June, 3pm. They don't host evening visits unfortunately. 11 spaces are available- contact me directly to book a place.

Fi (TVHGC Sites Officer)

Sent by iPhone

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1 Haziran 2017 Perşembe


this group is a bit of a ghost town, see https://tvhgc.co.uk/index.php/social-media

On Thursday, 1 June 2017 10:41:03 UTC+1, TonyL wrote:
Hi, just wondering if anyone is thinking of going to Milk tomorrow morning to try and get some time in before the instability builds?      I've been out of the picture for the last 2 years so I may be well out of date in terms of what media you are using to communicate about flying so if anyone wants to put me right I would be grateful.   If it looks OK I would aim to be there by 0900.

Tony Lewis

07341  814700

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Hi, just wondering if anyone is thinking of going to Milk tomorrow morning to try and get some time in before the instability builds?      I've been out of the picture for the last 2 years so I may be well out of date in terms of what media you are using to communicate about flying so if anyone wants to put me right I would be grateful.   If it looks OK I would aim to be there by 0900.

Tony Lewis

07341  814700

22 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] BHPA Safety Notice SN 32 9th May 2017 [1 Attachment]

Dear All,

If any of you fly the Jojowings Instinct please see the attached. Please forward as required.



Nick S

Safety Officer

8 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] Fwd: Combe Bottom Landing

As clarification the landing field is to the left of the road as you look from the hill.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard Ford <richardford42@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 at 08:52
Subject: Combe Bottom Landing
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com <tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com>


A friendly reminder that the only bottom landing at Combe is the grass strip by the road (to the left as you look from the hill).  Yesterday we had at least six pilots land in the field on the other side of the road and a few more in the field in front.  Most landed in unplanted strips, but a few landed on the crops planted in the fields.  It was very windy for most of the day yesterday, but pilots were still able to land in the official field.  

Club Secretary

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[TVHGC Members] Combe Bottom Landing


A friendly reminder that the only bottom landing at Combe is the grass strip by the road (to the left as you look from the hill).  Yesterday we had at least six pilots land in the field on the other side of the road and a few more in the field in front.  Most landed in unplanted strips, but a few landed on the crops planted in the fields.  It was very windy for most of the day yesterday, but pilots were still able to land in the official field.  

Club Secretary

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5 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

RE: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements

Sorry Robert, i was being flippant but you make a very good point and an interesting suggestion.

On Apr 5, 2017 10:38 AM, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:

I also think that ceasing the reciprocal agreement will have no effect on the issues we are facing but I also think that the "Elephant in the Room" that we all seem to be missing is the overuse of Telegram and to a lesser extent other social media tools as a real time aid to Pilots who are not prepared to invest time into understanding weather suitability and sites.


The use of Telegram has directly lead to chronic overcrowding of sites, this is not a idea I have plucked out of the air but one I have seen time and again. Someone (with the best of intentions) posts that there are people flying or the conditions are perfect and hey presto 30 more people turn up. Great when you have massive sites, but we haven't.


When I started flying you had to analyse the weather using a range of sites and then took your chance. I had many wasted days but when you got it right it was rewarding.


How many times have I seen (even today) messages saying "Do you think it will be flyable?" "Where will it be flyable today?"


I know the Genie is now out of the bottle and there is probably not much we can do about it, but sometimes I wish serial posters would stop and think "What am I actually gaining by broadcasting to the world real time site forecasts." Surely this is the role of a teacher or tutor in a school and when novice pilots turn up on a hill they should then seek out a coach to find out whether it is suitable to fly (and also be briefed on site rules.)


It would be interesting to see what the effect would be if the Telegram groups were suspended for a period of time.



Robert Ager



From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Simon H
Sent: 04 April 2017 22:43
To: tvhgc_members
Subject: RE: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements


My tuppence worth. I also think moving away from reciprocity is a retrograde step, won't achieve what's needed, and punishes those that don't deserve it. Visiting pilots that are bonifide members of clubs with a reciprocal agreement with TV are almost certainly as responsible and conscientious in their use of sites as any other clubs members. If the problem is overcrowding then action to limit numbers is justified, but my understanding is it's not.


I am a DSC and a TV member but am more widely travelled than that, usually have my glider with me 'just in case' and so rely on reciprocal agreements or the good will and welcoming nature of other clubs when visiting. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation.


The alternative has to be more effective enforcement of site rules. But how? I'm afraid I don't have a solution. Rules by their nature can't be 'enforced' because they're not backed by law which is exactly what someone risks breaking by being too heavy handed with any enforcement. And persistent rule breakers know it, in general.




Simon H


On 4 Apr 2017 21:46, "vincent" <vincent@vcs515372.plus.com> wrote:

I also agree with Francis, a big mistake to stop reciprocal arrangements.
Trump is also giving it a go so we will see just how successful he will be.
At least we have someone to compare the success rate with.


Vincent Masi

Sent from: YOGA Tablet 2-830F

On 25 Mar 2017 18:41, Martin Shaw <martinshaw@tesco.net> wrote:
> I agree with you Francis. Reciprocal agreements are a total irrelevance to non members and bad behaviour.
> Martin Shaw  
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of francis rich
> Sent: 19 March 2017 17:28
> To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements
> A sad day.
> I have some questions....
> Is there any evidence that it is members of reciprocating clubs that are the problem?
> Will we find that those causing the problem will continue to turn up and continue to cause the problem?
> What, as a member , should I do when I see someone flying a site without a TVHGC sticker?
> I dont want to be negative about this but I cannot see that removing reciprocal rights will have any effect on the problem.
> These are the arguments presented two years ago when it came up at AGM. The reason the righ s were not removed then is because the answers to these questions argued for retaining reciprocal rights because reciprocating club members were not the problem, rather it was non members and non BHPA pilots. 
> What has changed?
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Jon Appleton <jon.apple@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear TVHGC Members
> Over the last years, our sites have been threatened many times by overcrowding and poor behaviour towards land owners and other land users.   The committee has worked hard on your behalf trying to improve this situation and make sure the sites remain open and available for you to fly whenever the weather is suitable.  The committee was hoping the situation would improve, but within the first few fledgling days of the cross country season we have seen more incidents on sites in full view of land owners and it must not continue.   When confronted, most pilots claim ignorance, have not read the site rules and are hardly ever identifiable as a member. In the most recent incident a pilot literally laughed in the face of a coach who was politely trying to educate them. 
> There have been multiple votes and a mandate over the years to remove the reciprocal agreements.  This was with the hope to improve the situation but no action was ever taken as we are well aware of the freedom this offers our community.  However, the committee now feel it is right and proper to consider, you, our members first with regards the use and preservation of our sites.
> It is primarily for this reason that we are suspending the reciprocal agreements this year.
> As of the 1st of April, ALL pilots using our sites will require a current TVHGC helmet sticker or TVHGC email stating proof of membership. 
> We will be restricting access to other TVHGC resources such as Facebook and Telegram to encourage full membership. We will also be monitoring the XC league and request the deletion of flights from our sites where the pilot is not a full member. 
> Please be assured this decision has not been taken lightly and I realise it may be unpopular with some members, but I ask you in this instance to consider the bigger picture.  If we were to lose key sites in TVHGC,  it could instantly overload sites of our neighbouring clubs and compound the situation still further.  This is not just bad for TVHGC, but for the whole paragliding/hang gliding community.    
> It is my sincere hope that with this move, we not only ensure everybody using the sites are members and know and respect the site rules, but that we restore a sense of belonging to Thames Valley with a collective sense of responsibility on TV sites. 
> Know your sites, and the site rules.  Refresh your memory before you fly or ask another member for a site brief.  Feel empowered to help and inform other pilots who you see breaking the rules.
> Lastly,  have a great, safe and happy  2017 season.
> Matt Rawlins
> Chair of TVHGC
> --
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RE: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements

Please keep using telegram so i know which site to go to! Why do you think you never see me?  ;-)

On Apr 5, 2017 10:38 AM, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:

I also think that ceasing the reciprocal agreement will have no effect on the issues we are facing but I also think that the "Elephant in the Room" that we all seem to be missing is the overuse of Telegram and to a lesser extent other social media tools as a real time aid to Pilots who are not prepared to invest time into understanding weather suitability and sites.


The use of Telegram has directly lead to chronic overcrowding of sites, this is not a idea I have plucked out of the air but one I have seen time and again. Someone (with the best of intentions) posts that there are people flying or the conditions are perfect and hey presto 30 more people turn up. Great when you have massive sites, but we haven't.


When I started flying you had to analyse the weather using a range of sites and then took your chance. I had many wasted days but when you got it right it was rewarding.


How many times have I seen (even today) messages saying "Do you think it will be flyable?" "Where will it be flyable today?"


I know the Genie is now out of the bottle and there is probably not much we can do about it, but sometimes I wish serial posters would stop and think "What am I actually gaining by broadcasting to the world real time site forecasts." Surely this is the role of a teacher or tutor in a school and when novice pilots turn up on a hill they should then seek out a coach to find out whether it is suitable to fly (and also be briefed on site rules.)


It would be interesting to see what the effect would be if the Telegram groups were suspended for a period of time.



Robert Ager



From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Simon H
Sent: 04 April 2017 22:43
To: tvhgc_members
Subject: RE: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements


My tuppence worth. I also think moving away from reciprocity is a retrograde step, won't achieve what's needed, and punishes those that don't deserve it. Visiting pilots that are bonifide members of clubs with a reciprocal agreement with TV are almost certainly as responsible and conscientious in their use of sites as any other clubs members. If the problem is overcrowding then action to limit numbers is justified, but my understanding is it's not.


I am a DSC and a TV member but am more widely travelled than that, usually have my glider with me 'just in case' and so rely on reciprocal agreements or the good will and welcoming nature of other clubs when visiting. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation.


The alternative has to be more effective enforcement of site rules. But how? I'm afraid I don't have a solution. Rules by their nature can't be 'enforced' because they're not backed by law which is exactly what someone risks breaking by being too heavy handed with any enforcement. And persistent rule breakers know it, in general.




Simon H


On 4 Apr 2017 21:46, "vincent" <vincent@vcs515372.plus.com> wrote:

I also agree with Francis, a big mistake to stop reciprocal arrangements.
Trump is also giving it a go so we will see just how successful he will be.
At least we have someone to compare the success rate with.


Vincent Masi

Sent from: YOGA Tablet 2-830F

On 25 Mar 2017 18:41, Martin Shaw <martinshaw@tesco.net> wrote:
> I agree with you Francis. Reciprocal agreements are a total irrelevance to non members and bad behaviour.
> Martin Shaw  
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of francis rich
> Sent: 19 March 2017 17:28
> To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements
> A sad day.
> I have some questions....
> Is there any evidence that it is members of reciprocating clubs that are the problem?
> Will we find that those causing the problem will continue to turn up and continue to cause the problem?
> What, as a member , should I do when I see someone flying a site without a TVHGC sticker?
> I dont want to be negative about this but I cannot see that removing reciprocal rights will have any effect on the problem.
> These are the arguments presented two years ago when it came up at AGM. The reason the righ s were not removed then is because the answers to these questions argued for retaining reciprocal rights because reciprocating club members were not the problem, rather it was non members and non BHPA pilots. 
> What has changed?
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Jon Appleton <jon.apple@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear TVHGC Members
> Over the last years, our sites have been threatened many times by overcrowding and poor behaviour towards land owners and other land users.   The committee has worked hard on your behalf trying to improve this situation and make sure the sites remain open and available for you to fly whenever the weather is suitable.  The committee was hoping the situation would improve, but within the first few fledgling days of the cross country season we have seen more incidents on sites in full view of land owners and it must not continue.   When confronted, most pilots claim ignorance, have not read the site rules and are hardly ever identifiable as a member. In the most recent incident a pilot literally laughed in the face of a coach who was politely trying to educate them. 
> There have been multiple votes and a mandate over the years to remove the reciprocal agreements.  This was with the hope to improve the situation but no action was ever taken as we are well aware of the freedom this offers our community.  However, the committee now feel it is right and proper to consider, you, our members first with regards the use and preservation of our sites.
> It is primarily for this reason that we are suspending the reciprocal agreements this year.
> As of the 1st of April, ALL pilots using our sites will require a current TVHGC helmet sticker or TVHGC email stating proof of membership. 
> We will be restricting access to other TVHGC resources such as Facebook and Telegram to encourage full membership. We will also be monitoring the XC league and request the deletion of flights from our sites where the pilot is not a full member. 
> Please be assured this decision has not been taken lightly and I realise it may be unpopular with some members, but I ask you in this instance to consider the bigger picture.  If we were to lose key sites in TVHGC,  it could instantly overload sites of our neighbouring clubs and compound the situation still further.  This is not just bad for TVHGC, but for the whole paragliding/hang gliding community.    
> It is my sincere hope that with this move, we not only ensure everybody using the sites are members and know and respect the site rules, but that we restore a sense of belonging to Thames Valley with a collective sense of responsibility on TV sites. 
> Know your sites, and the site rules.  Refresh your memory before you fly or ask another member for a site brief.  Feel empowered to help and inform other pilots who you see breaking the rules.
> Lastly,  have a great, safe and happy  2017 season.
> Matt Rawlins
> Chair of TVHGC
> --
> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements

Next step will be to ban members from certain clubs that are most likely to create issues. Trumping everyone :-)

Kind regards 


Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Apr 2017, at 20:18, Matt Rawlins <matt.rc.rawlins@gmail.com> wrote:

Telegram will be members only shortly.   So will Facebook and this google group.

Kind Regards

Chairman TVHGC

On 5 Apr 2017, at 11:15, Moore, Bruce C <bruce.moore@uk.bp.com> wrote:

Excuse my IT ignorance but is there any way to make the telegram user groups members only? If not as Hugh says warnings on telegram that some sites are members only would be worth exploring.


From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Hugh Burnaby-Atkins
Sent: 05 April 2017 11:10
To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements
At risk of stirring up a debate on crime and punishment, I think I read somewhere that the basic principles of preventing anti-social behaviour involve (1) a risk (including a perceived risk) of getting caught and (2) some consequence of getting caught.  With that in mind it seems there are some readily available steps that stand a chance of deterring problem pilots:
Put up some signs clearly explaining the site is private and only open to members or reciprocals (there was a long debate on this a couple of years ago but it still hasn't happened) - signs tell people that there is some 'authority' in the neighbourhood, as well as removing any excuse for those chancers who will try to claim 'Oh, I didn't know')
Helmet stickers - allows club members and officials a means of approaching those on the hill - important if you want to let the wider community know that you may get a tap on the shoulder if you're not a member.
Site marshalls - boring but maybe necessary if the problem gets worse (SHGC uses this method) - it also allows a way of collecting say a £5 day rate which might prove to be a better solution than attempting to chase people away.
Re Telegram - as Robert says, the genie is out of the bottle and it is a useful tool for those who aren't local. (Even the best meteorologist can't reliably forecast when +/- 2mph is going to make the difference between a nice flight and sitting on the hill.) Perhaps a better way to approach it is for the Comms Officer to send regularly mass blasts every time a site is 'on' reminding pilots of the requirements to fly that site. It would be quite easy to have a series of short blurbs that could be copy-pasted. Once again the message and the rules are broadcast to people and may deter some chancers.
There will always be those who will defy the rules in a determined way - but some of the above might go some way to limiting overcrowding by the occasional chancers.
On Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 10:38 AM, <robertager@ash-studios.co.uk> wrote:
I also think that ceasing the reciprocal agreement will have no effect on the issues we are facing but I also think that the "Elephant in the Room" that we all seem to be missing is the overuse of Telegram and to a lesser extent other social media tools as a real time aid to Pilots who are not prepared to invest time into understanding weather suitability and sites.
The use of Telegram has directly lead to chronic overcrowding of sites, this is not a idea I have plucked out of the air but one I have seen time and again. Someone (with the best of intentions) posts that there are people flying or the conditions are perfect and hey presto 30 more people turn up. Great when you have massive sites, but we haven't.
When I started flying you had to analyse the weather using a range of sites and then took your chance. I had many wasted days but when you got it right it was rewarding. 
How many times have I seen (even today) messages saying "Do you think it will be flyable?" "Where will it be flyable today?"
I know the Genie is now out of the bottle and there is probably not much we can do about it, but sometimes I wish serial posters would stop and think "What am I actually gaining by broadcasting to the world real time site forecasts." Surely this is the role of a teacher or tutor in a school and when novice pilots turn up on a hill they should then seek out a coach to find out whether it is suitable to fly (and also be briefed on site rules.)
It would be interesting to see what the effect would be if the Telegram groups were suspended for a period of time.
Robert Ager
From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Simon H
Sent: 04 April 2017 22:43
To: tvhgc_members
Subject: RE: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements
My tuppence worth. I also think moving away from reciprocity is a retrograde step, won't achieve what's needed, and punishes those that don't deserve it. Visiting pilots that are bonifide members of clubs with a reciprocal agreement with TV are almost certainly as responsible and conscientious in their use of sites as any other clubs members. If the problem is overcrowding then action to limit numbers is justified, but my understanding is it's not.
I am a DSC and a TV member but am more widely travelled than that, usually have my glider with me 'just in case' and so rely on reciprocal agreements or the good will and welcoming nature of other clubs when visiting. I'm sure there are others in a similar situation.
The alternative has to be more effective enforcement of site rules. But how? I'm afraid I don't have a solution. Rules by their nature can't be 'enforced' because they're not backed by law which is exactly what someone risks breaking by being too heavy handed with any enforcement. And persistent rule breakers know it, in general.
Simon H
On 4 Apr 2017 21:46, "vincent" <vincent@vcs515372.plus.com> wrote:
I also agree with Francis, a big mistake to stop reciprocal arrangements.
Trump is also giving it a go so we will see just how successful he will be.
At least we have someone to compare the success rate with.


Vincent Masi

Sent from: YOGA Tablet 2-830F

On 25 Mar 2017 18:41, Martin Shaw <martinshaw@tesco.net> wrote:
> I agree with you Francis. Reciprocal agreements are a total irrelevance to non members and bad behaviour.
> Martin Shaw  
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of francis rich
> Sent: 19 March 2017 17:28
> To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] TVHGC Reciprocal Agreements
> A sad day.
> I have some questions....
> Is there any evidence that it is members of reciprocating clubs that are the problem?
> Will we find that those causing the problem will continue to turn up and continue to cause the problem?
> What, as a member , should I do when I see someone flying a site without a TVHGC sticker?
> I dont want to be negative about this but I cannot see that removing reciprocal rights will have any effect on the problem.
> These are the arguments presented two years ago when it came up at AGM. The reason the righ s were not removed then is because the answers to these questions argued for retaining reciprocal rights because reciprocating club members were not the problem, rather it was non members and non BHPA pilots. 
> What has changed?
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Jon Appleton <jon.apple@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear TVHGC Members
> Over the last years, our sites have been threatened many times by overcrowding and poor behaviour towards land owners and other land users.   The committee has worked hard on your behalf trying to improve this situation and make sure the sites remain open and available for you to fly whenever the weather is suitable.  The committee was hoping the situation would improve, but within the first few fledgling days of the cross country season we have seen more incidents on sites in full view of land owners and it must not continue.   When confronted, most pilots claim ignorance, have not read the site rules and are hardly ever identifiable as a member. In the most recent incident a pilot literally laughed in the face of a coach who was politely trying to educate them. 
> There have been multiple votes and a mandate over the years to remove the reciprocal agreements.  This was with the hope to improve the situation but no action was ever taken as we are well aware of the freedom this offers our community.  However, the committee now feel it is right and proper to consider, you, our members first with regards the use and preservation of our sites.
> It is primarily for this reason that we are suspending the reciprocal agreements this year.
> As of the 1st of April, ALL pilots using our sites will require a current TVHGC helmet sticker or TVHGC email stating proof of membership. 
> We will be restricting access to other TVHGC resources such as Facebook and Telegram to encourage full membership. We will also be monitoring the XC league and request the deletion of flights from our sites where the pilot is not a full member. 
> Please be assured this decision has not been taken lightly and I realise it may be unpopular with some members, but I ask you in this instance to consider the bigger picture.  If we were to lose key sites in TVHGC,  it could instantly overload sites of our neighbouring clubs and compound the situation still further.  This is not just bad for TVHGC, but for the whole paragliding/hang gliding community.    
> It is my sincere hope that with this move, we not only ensure everybody using the sites are members and know and respect the site rules, but that we restore a sense of belonging to Thames Valley with a collective sense of responsibility on TV sites. 
> Know your sites, and the site rules.  Refresh your memory before you fly or ask another member for a site brief.  Feel empowered to help and inform other pilots who you see breaking the rules.
> Lastly,  have a great, safe and happy  2017 season.
> Matt Rawlins
> Chair of TVHGC
> --
> --
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