14 Aralık 2016 Çarşamba

Re: [TVHGC Members] Fwd: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG

It applies to all aircraft defined as sphg. The difficulty phg may have is complying with the terms of the policy and remaining under 70kg unladen fully fuelled. The craft must be able to be returned to foot launch "with simple tools" this is easy with a standard paramotor bolted to a buggy and there are several makes on the market. Not so with phg. So in theory it does apply but needs someone to come up with a system that satisfies the criteria.

On Dec 14, 2016 7:41 PM, "Dave N" <daven@4boxmoor.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
A step in the right direction – Anyone know if it applies to powered hang gliding?
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:18 AM
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Fwd: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG
To TVHGC members with an interest in powered paragliding........
Dear All who have espressed an interest in promoting to your local pilots the CAA exemption that I have obtained from foot launching a paramotor with wheels.
The CAA now have a policy in place and a simple procedure to obtain this exemption. It is available to anyone whose doctor or medic provides a letter stating that the pilot is advised not to continue to foot launch for whatever reason. This can be as simple as a bad back who is advised not to lift heavy objects or as serious as paralysis of the legs etc.
You may have already heard that a high profie pilot flying from Russia to UK, having twisted her knee on a launch early on in the expedition, was granted a CAA exemption within hours of applying so that her flights were UK legal and therefore legal in foreign countries too. The CAA are very happy to grant these exemptions and see it as a stepping stone to allowing paramotors on wheels for all. Congratulations to Sacha for her achievement and what a brilliant justification of the need for this exemption!!!!!!!
I am writing to you as you represent many local pilots who may benefit from this new policy. I know some have already started the process for some of your local pilots. If you need any help or further explanation let me know. I have example copies of doctor's letter and the policy document and the address to write to for your exemption.
The more pilots who apply for this the sooner we can argue that paramotors with wheels should be regulated the same as all other paramotors and we can open up the sport and the training to a much wider population. particularly women and youngsters.
Good luck woth your alications and pass this message on to others who can help promote this policy to the benefit of pilots not so able to foot launch.
Please feed back to me any applications you know of (if the pilot is willing) so I can keep track of the progress of this exciting development. The more who apply the more mainstream this bocomes.
Pass this on to at least one other trainer or club official not already on the mailing list if you can.
Kind regards
Francis Rich
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Re: [TVHGC Members] Fwd: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG

A step in the right direction – Anyone know if it applies to powered hang gliding?
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:18 AM
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Fwd: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG
To TVHGC members with an interest in powered paragliding........
Dear All who have espressed an interest in promoting to your local pilots the CAA exemption that I have obtained from foot launching a paramotor with wheels.
The CAA now have a policy in place and a simple procedure to obtain this exemption. It is available to anyone whose doctor or medic provides a letter stating that the pilot is advised not to continue to foot launch for whatever reason. This can be as simple as a bad back who is advised not to lift heavy objects or as serious as paralysis of the legs etc.
You may have already heard that a high profie pilot flying from Russia to UK, having twisted her knee on a launch early on in the expedition, was granted a CAA exemption within hours of applying so that her flights were UK legal and therefore legal in foreign countries too. The CAA are very happy to grant these exemptions and see it as a stepping stone to allowing paramotors on wheels for all. Congratulations to Sacha for her achievement and what a brilliant justification of the need for this exemption!!!!!!!
I am writing to you as you represent many local pilots who may benefit from this new policy. I know some have already started the process for some of your local pilots. If you need any help or further explanation let me know. I have example copies of doctor's letter and the policy document and the address to write to for your exemption.
The more pilots who apply for this the sooner we can argue that paramotors with wheels should be regulated the same as all other paramotors and we can open up the sport and the training to a much wider population. particularly women and youngsters.
Good luck woth your alications and pass this message on to others who can help promote this policy to the benefit of pilots not so able to foot launch.
Please feed back to me any applications you know of (if the pilot is willing) so I can keep track of the progress of this exciting development. The more who apply the more mainstream this bocomes.
Pass this on to at least one other trainer or club official not already on the mailing list if you can.
Kind regards
Francis Rich
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[TVHGC Members] Re: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG

i can finally start doing some paramotoring :) as this was the main reason of not learning, as i can't run with the engine on my back due to poor back.
can you pass me your details on private.
Nice one

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[TVHGC Members] Fwd: Exemption from footlaunch of SPHG

To TVHGC members with an interest in powered paragliding........

Dear All who have espressed an interest in promoting to your local pilots the CAA exemption that I have obtained from foot launching a paramotor with wheels.

The CAA now have a policy in place and a simple procedure to obtain this exemption. It is available to anyone whose doctor or medic provides a letter stating that the pilot is advised not to continue to foot launch for whatever reason. This can be as simple as a bad back who is advised not to lift heavy objects or as serious as paralysis of the legs etc.

You may have already heard that a high profie pilot flying from Russia to UK, having twisted her knee on a launch early on in the expedition, was granted a CAA exemption within hours of applying so that her flights were UK legal and therefore legal in foreign countries too. The CAA are very happy to grant these exemptions and see it as a stepping stone to allowing paramotors on wheels for all. Congratulations to Sacha for her achievement and what a brilliant justification of the need for this exemption!!!!!!!

I am writing to you as you represent many local pilots who may benefit from this new policy. I know some have already started the process for some of your local pilots. If you need any help or further explanation let me know. I have example copies of doctor's letter and the policy document and the address to write to for your exemption.

The more pilots who apply for this the sooner we can argue that paramotors with wheels should be regulated the same as all other paramotors and we can open up the sport and the training to a much wider population. particularly women and youngsters.

Good luck woth your alications and pass this message on to others who can help promote this policy to the benefit of pilots not so able to foot launch.

Please feed back to me any applications you know of (if the pilot is willing) so I can keep track of the progress of this exciting development. The more who apply the more mainstream this bocomes.

Pass this on to at least one other trainer or club official not already on the mailing list if you can.

Kind regards
Francis Rich

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12 Aralık 2016 Pazartesi

Re: [TVHGC Members] Club Coach Course reminder

Hi Francis,

£15 max for the facilities (closer to 10 if I get more attendees) plus 30 for a first timer or 20 for a renewal. That bit's the bhpa fee.


Sent from my iPhone

On 12 Dec 2016, at 17:11, francis rich <francis@jfdiuk.com> wrote:

Nick how much is it for an non tvhgc delegate?

On Dec 12, 2016 2:47 PM, "Nick smith" <glidingnick@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just a short e-mail to trawl for any more attendees for the Club Coach Course on 14/15 Jan next year. There are still places available and THE CLUB WILL PAY for you to go and you will be a better, wiser pilot because of it. It's being held at Bicester Airfield in the gliding club and there is also still 1 space free in the accommodation there at £10 for the night. We've got people travelling from various areas so liftsharing is possible.  We will have access to the club bar and will be able to tell the local glider pilots how heroic we are for flying around under a bedsheet!

Drop me a line at glidingnick@hotmail.com if you'd like to know more,


Nick Smith 

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Re: [TVHGC Members] Club Coach Course reminder

Nick how much is it for an non tvhgc delegate?

On Dec 12, 2016 2:47 PM, "Nick smith" <glidingnick@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just a short e-mail to trawl for any more attendees for the Club Coach Course on 14/15 Jan next year. There are still places available and THE CLUB WILL PAY for you to go and you will be a better, wiser pilot because of it. It's being held at Bicester Airfield in the gliding club and there is also still 1 space free in the accommodation there at £10 for the night. We've got people travelling from various areas so liftsharing is possible.  We will have access to the club bar and will be able to tell the local glider pilots how heroic we are for flying around under a bedsheet!

Drop me a line at glidingnick@hotmail.com if you'd like to know more,


Nick Smith 

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[TVHGC Members] Club Coach Course reminder

Hi everyone,

Just a short e-mail to trawl for any more attendees for the Club Coach Course on 14/15 Jan next year. There are still places available and THE CLUB WILL PAY for you to go and you will be a better, wiser pilot because of it. It's being held at Bicester Airfield in the gliding club and there is also still 1 space free in the accommodation there at £10 for the night. We've got people travelling from various areas so liftsharing is possible.  We will have access to the club bar and will be able to tell the local glider pilots how heroic we are for flying around under a bedsheet!

Drop me a line at glidingnick@hotmail.com if you'd like to know more,


Nick Smith 

1 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] BFR 2016 Thanks


I would like to convey the thanks from Thames Valley Air ambulance for the
money we raised £500.30 pounds we raised at this year's Big Fat Repack. An
additional £126.26 was raised by staff on the TAFMIS project. The majority
of this this year's donation was gift aided.

As one of the organisers of the Big Fat Repack for the last 11 years I would
like to thank all the great people that have help me out over the years;
many are not even members of the club and travel considerable distance just
to help out at their own expense. Hopefully the various safety handouts, bag
labels/site cards and site signs have been helpful.

All the best,


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