29 Temmuz 2016 Cuma


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Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:31:31 +0100
From: 'Richard Hellen' richard.hellen@btinternet.com [avonhgpg] <avonhgpg@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: avonhgpg@yahoogroups.com
To: avonhgpg@yahoogroups.com


Message from Rob Davis re Leckhampton - potentially bad news: = "Hi Richard - the house at the bottom of Leckhampton where we were allowed to land in their 3 fields has been sold. I am hoping to meet the new owners soon to ask about bottom landing. However I am not hopeful as they have 4 small children and the property is now fully enclosed and gated....I have e-mailed Peggy about this but had no response. As it stands we do NOT HAVE A BOTTOM LANDING AT LECKHAMPTON. Please could you let Avon members know or direct me to whoever I should be communicating with.......? Thanks. BW ROB"



Richard Hellen


2, Stanthill Drive, Dursley, GL11 4PP


Landline:  01453 548724

Mob:          07969 819505

Skype: richardhellen



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28 Temmuz 2016 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] TVHGC BBQ & Club Meeting

Hi all

Holiday time is here, at least for some, and with it an opportunity for all to get together and enjoy a little food, a little drink and a little music at the TVHGC BBQ Party! This will take place on the 27th August so save the date. Details will be posted shortly.

Seeing as we're holding a club party there will be no Club Meeting next week. 

BBQ details will follow soon.

Mike Byfield
Social Sec

25 Temmuz 2016 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] Re: Thames Valley Safety Mail

One of our pilots just had the lumbar support strap of his lightness2 fail where is passes though the buckle. It was a non critical failure, but not reassuring. Do check yours for wear.

On Monday, 25 July 2016 08:36:39 UTC+1, Nick Smith wrote:

Good morning everyone,


It's been quite a while since I sent out a Safety Officer mail and since the season is now properly underway I thought I'd put together a few thoughts for you.


Firstly a confession and a warning. I'd heard that the speedbag lines on the Advance Lightness 2 were prone to wear and have been checking them when I fly. One of them was worn but I put it off until I had the time. In the air yesterday the line failed, leaving me with a footplate that was loose and only attached in 3 of the corners. Since then, I've looked on the Advance website and have ordered their free retrofit kit to sort it out. If you fly a Lightness 2 read the leaflet on the link below and whatever kit you fly inspect it regularly and pay particular attention to items that might fail.



LIGHTNESS 2 Speedbag Line Kit Some LIGHTNESS 2 pilots have reported excessive fraying or even failure of the lower speedbag lines. Please check your LIGHTNESS 2 for ...

In the last few weeks a couple of posts on the World Wide Paragliding Facebook page have also caught my attention. One was directing the reader towards a YouTube video titled "how to do wingovers"… I consider wingovers to be a form of aerobatic manoeuvre and feel that they should initially be completed with the correct instruction and the right safety advice. I worries me how many times I see people carrying out wingovers at ridgetop level (Westbury) or in proximity to other pilots. Low level wingovers have been the likely cause of 2 accidents in the UK this year and wingovers or any other aerobatic manoeuvre should not be carried out lightly.


I also saw a post with a list of the top 5 things to think about in order to fly safer… while they were very interesting they didn't include choosing whether or not to fly in the conditions of the day, limiting your flying based on your currency or carrying out any pre-flight checks.


My only word of advice on these subjects is, don't believe everything you see on the internet and if you want advice on how to fly speak to an instructor or one of your friendly club coaches.

Finally, just a quick reminder that it's your responsibility to put in a BHPA online occurrence report if you have any form of incident that did have, or could have had, safety implications. I put one in about my harness yesterday but I've spoken to people who've landed heavily, twisted ankles etc but not 'got round' to submitting one. It's in all our interests to correctly record occurrences in our sport in order that the BHPA can do all they can to mitigate risk.

That's all for now, if you'd like to reply please don't just hit reply as everyone will get bombarded. Please drop me a line at saf...@tvhgc.co.uk about anything that concerns you.



TVHGC Safety Officer


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[TVHGC Members] chest buckle T-Lock opening in flight

saturday at Rybury one of the guys had his chest buckle opening while thermaling. I think it was an older pod harness.
i couldn't find the model but it was a pod harness with man evolution picture on the side nad might  be supair, but might be wrong.
told him to write to the safety officer.

he said he oiled the buckle the night before to make it work smoother. Don't know if we are supposed to do that.

hope we find the harness.

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[TVHGC Members] Re: is anyone having an Ozone Ozium to try

In the end I've ordered one and I'm waiting to be shipped. Can't wait to try it. Thanks

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[TVHGC Members] Thames Valley Safety Mail

Good morning everyone,


It’s been quite a while since I sent out a Safety Officer mail and since the season is now properly underway I thought I’d put together a few thoughts for you.


Firstly a confession and a warning. I’d heard that the speedbag lines on the Advance Lightness 2 were prone to wear and have been checking them when I fly. One of them was worn but I put it off until I had the time. In the air yesterday the line failed, leaving me with a footplate that was loose and only attached in 3 of the corners. Since then, I’ve looked on the Advance website and have ordered their free retrofit kit to sort it out. If you fly a Lightness 2 read the leaflet on the link below and whatever kit you fly inspect it regularly and pay particular attention to items that might fail.



LIGHTNESS 2 Speedbag Line Kit Some LIGHTNESS 2 pilots have reported excessive fraying or even failure of the lower speedbag lines. Please check your LIGHTNESS 2 for ...

In the last few weeks a couple of posts on the World Wide Paragliding Facebook page have also caught my attention. One was directing the reader towards a YouTube video titled “how to do wingovers”… I consider wingovers to be a form of aerobatic manoeuvre and feel that they should initially be completed with the correct instruction and the right safety advice. I worries me how many times I see people carrying out wingovers at ridgetop level (Westbury) or in proximity to other pilots. Low level wingovers have been the likely cause of 2 accidents in the UK this year and wingovers or any other aerobatic manoeuvre should not be carried out lightly.


I also saw a post with a list of the top 5 things to think about in order to fly safer… while they were very interesting they didn’t include choosing whether or not to fly in the conditions of the day, limiting your flying based on your currency or carrying out any pre-flight checks.


My only word of advice on these subjects is, don’t believe everything you see on the internet and if you want advice on how to fly speak to an instructor or one of your friendly club coaches.

Finally, just a quick reminder that it's your responsibility to put in a BHPA online occurrence report if you have any form of incident that did have, or could have had, safety implications. I put one in about my harness yesterday but I've spoken to people who've landed heavily, twisted ankles etc but not 'got round' to submitting one. It's in all our interests to correctly record occurrences in our sport in order that the BHPA can do all they can to mitigate risk.

That's all for now, if you'd like to reply please don't just hit reply as everyone will get bombarded. Please drop me a line at safety@tvhgc.co.uk about anything that concerns you.



TVHGC Safety Officer


24 Temmuz 2016 Pazar

[TVHGC Members] Re: is anyone having an Ozone Ozium to try

I have one. Its a great harness, and surprisingly hard wearing. Crash protection is good and the reserve system works!

Ken W

On Tuesday, 21 June 2016 18:09:14 UTC+1, fla...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all,
i want to buy an Ozone Ozium harness but keen on trying one before preferably size M/M, an i was wondering if anyone has one that i can try in Thames Valley area.

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7 Temmuz 2016 Perşembe

Re: [TVHGC Members] I've lost my helmet and GPS

Hi Andrew

Swindon Taxis operate from Swindon station their number is 01793 230121 and Cross street cars tele 01793 232323 from experience they are always very good at returning lost equipment. (My smart phone being a good example)

Many Regards  Vincent Masi  8 The Bramptons  Shaw Ridge  W.Swindon  Wilts SN5 5SJ  07850872896  01793 877713  
On 7/5/2016 9:05 PM, Andrew Craig wrote:
I think I left my helmet, in a black cloth bag, in a taxi from Swindon station to Liddington today. If anyone knows any Swindon taxi drivers, could you pass the word around? There's a reward of £25 (my GPS was inside the helmet!).

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5 Temmuz 2016 Salı

[TVHGC Members] I've lost my helmet and GPS

I think I left my helmet, in a black cloth bag, in a taxi from Swindon station to Liddington today. If anyone knows any Swindon taxi drivers, could you pass the word around? There's a reward of £25 (my GPS was inside the helmet!).


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4 Temmuz 2016 Pazartesi

[TVHGC Members] Wednesday Club Meeting

Hi all

Wednesday Club Meeting

The social starts at 6.30 and goes on until . . . when the last person stops talking!

Join us, have fun, be part of the club!

The plan for Wednesday's meeting was to host a discussion about the set up, the flying, and the learnings gleaned from the Brits in Gemona, but sometimes no amount of enthusiasm or dedication can overcome the single most important aspect of our sport - The weather! 

This Wednesday our social evening will be just that, a social. With recent flying days under our belts and the promise of more opportunities to fly in the very near future come brown to the Swan In Inkpen, have a drink and / or a meal, and share your experiences.

Mike Byfield
Social Secretary