29 Nisan 2015 Çarşamba

[TVHGC Members] May Social - Gadgets & gizmos


Date: Wednesday 6th May 2015
Time: 1930 to 2200
Location: The Swan, Inkpen, Craven Road, Lower Green, Hungerford RG17 9DX

Our chairman Richard Bungay will be showing us how to program a GPS for flying and answering questions on your gadgets and gizmos. 

The Swan serves food, so why not turn up early for a bite to eat.


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28 Nisan 2015 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] Sites Closure correction

Sadly I don't think there's much chance of flying this weekend, the weather ain't playing ball...

On Tuesday, 28 April 2015, Richard Ford <richardford42@hotmail.com> wrote:

This weekend is a Bank Holiday Weekend. Please remember that Uffington is both CLOSED (according to the terms of the site agreements) on bank holiday weekends. This means NO FLYING at either site in 2015 on 2-4 May; 23-25 May; 29-31 August. 

The farmer has kindly agreed to keep Rybury open.  He has asked that we are especially sensitive around cattle.  Please do not chase them and be careful never to separate cows and calves. Keep dogs on leads as sheep/cattle worrying is not limited to actual physical mauling, it includes the animals getting anxious about loose dogs in the vicinity. Calves are due early June onwards and pregnant cows are also prone to stress, even if caused inadvertently.


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flyAszent - Advance paragliders in the West Country
Web: http://flyaszent.wordpress.com
Twitter: twitter.com/flyaszent

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[TVHGC Members] Sites Closure correction


This weekend is a Bank Holiday Weekend. Please remember that Uffington is both CLOSED (according to the terms of the site agreements) on bank holiday weekends. This means NO FLYING at either site in 2015 on 2-4 May; 23-25 May; 29-31 August. 

The farmer has kindly agreed to keep Rybury open.  He has asked that we are especially sensitive around cattle.  Please do not chase them and be careful never to separate cows and calves. Keep dogs on leads as sheep/cattle worrying is not limited to actual physical mauling, it includes the animals getting anxious about loose dogs in the vicinity. Calves are due early June onwards and pregnant cows are also prone to stress, even if caused inadvertently.


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[TVHGC Members] Malvern Club Air Ambulance donation

Just 70 quid more needed to guarantee the bottom landing field, and you never know when you may need it! 

Please give, (and also something for Nepal as well).


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Re: [TVHGC Members] Members List and Locations Updated

Is it possible to set up a direct debit for this/future years?
Kind Regards, Hugh 

Sent from my iPhone

On 9 Feb 2015, at 11:32, TVHGC Membership <membership@tvhgc.co.uk> wrote:

The Members List has been updated with your HG and/or PG rating as per the BHPA. Please let me know (at membership@tvhgc.co.uk) if you disagree with the rating.

Also the postcode list has been updated so if you want to connect with nearby pilots please use the link on the Current Members page - helpful for car sharing, advice and motivation!


James Hope-Lang
Membership Secretary - TVHGC

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[TVHGC Members] Bank Holiday Site Closures


This weekend is a Bank Holiday Weekend. Please remember that Rybury and Uffington are both CLOSED (according to the terms of the site agreements) on bank holiday weekends. This means NO FLYING at either site in 2015 on 2-4 May; 23-25 May; 29-31 August. 

Comms Officer​

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26 Nisan 2015 Pazar

[TVHGC Members] Helmet Stickers

Helmet stickers are in the post to everyone who has renewed or joined TVHGC for 2015/16. Current Members List and the Post Code map has been updated on the website - any issues please mail me at membership@tvhgc.co.uk

James Hope-Lang
TVHGC Membership Secretary

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17 Nisan 2015 Cuma

Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

hi Colm and others - with a major change of plans looming (off to Africa for a year), I have a one year old Blue Mojo 4 wing (90 -120 kgs) and Oxygen harness, brand new reserve (unused), new Flymaster Vario and flight deck and an Alinco radio which was recommended for paragliding plus helmet and microphone \ headphone. obviously easier if I can do a single deal for the whole package but happy to discuss.
all the kit was bought new at various times in 2014 and has minimal hours (it got me to CP + about 8 hours). 
if anyone is interested, text or call me on 07769 745281 and we can have a chat about it. 
regards to all. Peter

-----Original Message-----
From: RogerB <rdb@dsl.pipex.com>
To: tvhgc_members <tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 14:40
Subject: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

I have a  Large  Airwave Sport 4 (95-120Kg) In good condition with a brand new service report for sale.  Also For Sale a Woody Valley Peak 2 Harness. Both are kit I have owned from new and now surplus to my needs due to upgrade.
Roger Brown 0786 799 5054   

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 11:18:22 PM UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan
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Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

Colm - hope you are okay, we've not heard from you via email?

It sounds like our members have provided some useful leads for kit.  If you have any queries on joining Thames Valley let me know.

Best regards

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 12:40 PM, 187marcin <187szoti@googlemail.com> wrote:
I got Tequila 3 xxs
48-70kg for £1150
Great condition no holes or rips 20h

Kind regards 


Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Apr 2015, at 12:33, alan <alan@birtles.org.uk> wrote:


On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 23:18:22 UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

I got Tequila 3 xxs
48-70kg for £1150
Great condition no holes or rips 20h

Kind regards 


Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Apr 2015, at 12:33, alan <alan@birtles.org.uk> wrote:


On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 23:18:22 UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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[TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small


On Tuesday, 14 April 2015 23:18:22 UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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16 Nisan 2015 Perşembe

[TVHGC Members] Kit wanted for big and small

Hi Collin I have a Nova Prion A (small 70-90kg) I'm looking for a good home to go to. About 80hrs airtime, blue. No damage or repairs, always concertina packed. Also a Gin Basic chair harness medium in good condition. i.m.southwood@gmail.com 07892719507

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RE: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

Hi Colm,

I have a harness that is perfect for Julia,

An Advance Axcess 2 Air – in medium size and in spotless condition – lovely harness that I have really enjoyed – only selling as I have now got a pod


If your interested I can send you pics etc





From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Simon H
Sent: 16 April 2015 15:31
To: tvhgc_members
Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small


Right size but, with respect, and I don't like sticking my oar in, but I don't think the Sport 4 is an A/low end B. Not judging by the antics Little Si got up to on his anyway :-). Mind you, his was a small.

On 16 Apr 2015 14:50, "RogerB" <rdb@dsl.pipex.com> wrote:

I have a  Large  Airwave Sport 4 (95-120Kg) In good condition with a brand new service report for sale.  Also For Sale a Woody Valley Peak 2 Harness. Both are kit I have owned from new and now surplus to my needs due to upgrade.


Roger Brown 0786 799 5054   





On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 11:18:22 PM UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:

Hi All


Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.


We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?

Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?


I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg


Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg



Colm Hartigan

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Re: [TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

Right size but, with respect, and I don't like sticking my oar in, but I don't think the Sport 4 is an A/low end B. Not judging by the antics Little Si got up to on his anyway :-). Mind you, his was a small.

On 16 Apr 2015 14:50, "RogerB" <rdb@dsl.pipex.com> wrote:
I have a  Large  Airwave Sport 4 (95-120Kg) In good condition with a brand new service report for sale.  Also For Sale a Woody Valley Peak 2 Harness. Both are kit I have owned from new and now surplus to my needs due to upgrade.
Roger Brown 0786 799 5054   

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 11:18:22 PM UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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[TVHGC Members] Re: Kit wanted for big and small

I have a  Large  Airwave Sport 4 (95-120Kg) In good condition with a brand new service report for sale.  Also For Sale a Woody Valley Peak 2 Harness. Both are kit I have owned from new and now surplus to my needs due to upgrade.
Roger Brown 0786 799 5054   

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 11:18:22 PM UTC+1, Colm Hartigan wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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14 Nisan 2015 Salı

Re: [TVHGC Members] Kit wanted for big and small

Firstly welcome Colm and Julie to the world of Paragliding and a big well done on getting your CPs on behalf of our club members.  I hope you have lots of pleasure flying.

If not already done so you are more than welcome to join the Thames Valley club and we are a friendly club of pilots with nice sites.  Details on joining are on the website.

We have coaches available who can be contacted via Facebook coaching page (link below) or via coaches@tvhgc.co.uk even if that's to learn a bit about the sites and conditions specific to our club.  This is best organised around when you are planning on heading out.  If there is any specific coaching you both require please contact me.  Also have a look at the sites guide and get a site briefing from a pilot on the hill when you can.  There is never any silly questions just keep asking as this is the way to learn.
Regards equipment as you have mentioned there are wings and equipment available from a variety of sources including pilots who occasionally advertise in our club.   New equipment and some second hand kit is available from the local schools who also have shops.  Some may respond based on your message here and contact you directly.  To be safe I would advise checking that any second hand gliders have a recent service test report you can check over prior to purchase.  Also I advise that fitting any reserve to a harness is done by a BHPA licensed packer (details on their website) or a manufacturer trained packer who has experience in doing that.  Also when looking at kit your "all up weight " is you, your kit,  the glider, reserve and harness.

Any questions just ask!

Best regards,

Nik Valiris
Chief Coach, Thames Valley Hang Gliding Club
Mob: 07549 527301
Email: nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk | nik.valiris@gmail.com

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:18 PM, Colm Hartigan <colmhartigan@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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[TVHGC Members] Kit wanted for big and small

Hi All

Julia and I have recently become club pilots with Simon and Fly Spain and are now looking for kit.

We're looking for EN A or low end B gliders and beginner friendly harnesses.  Is anyone upgrading and looking to sell?
Also does anyone recommend a place to pick up new reserves & helmets?

I'm 6'2 (188cm) all up weight ~110kg

Julia's 170cm all up weight ~ 65kg

Colm Hartigan

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7 Nisan 2015 Salı

[TVHGC Members] Re: TVHGC Pilot Study Evenings and Exam 2015

A gentle reminder I need to know numbers for tomorrow evening's study evening for Pilot at the Swan Inn.  I am a little surprised so see so few booked in given the number of CPs going to the Gin Wide Open.  This is you're chance to get your Pilot rating ahead of the event.

Please put your name down today if you can on the link below.

Many thanks,
Chief Coach.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Nik Valiris <nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

TVHGC Pilot Study Evenings and Exam 2015 - during the month of April @ Swan Inn


Please add your name to the list in the link below if you wish to attend. Details and dates are in the link:


Nik Valiris

Chief Coach
Mob: 07549 527301
Email: nik.valiris@hotmail.co.uk | nik.valiris@gmail.com


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4 Nisan 2015 Cumartesi

Re: [TVHGC Members] Pyrenees flying experience?

Great idea Hugh - why didn't I think of this?

David Molden

On 4 Apr 2015, at 10:04, Hugh Burnaby-Atkins <hburnaby@gmail.com> wrote:

In case you had not seen this - you can use it to see thermal hotspots and track logs across Europe. Quite useful if you are going to a new unknown area and want to work out where the action is. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Apr 2015, at 13:39, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Mark - based on all the feedback so far we are now looking around Barcelona for ease of access to Ager, Organya and Berga - also still easy to cross into France for the Alps, Italy, and dip down into Andalusia - and of course Morroco the next stop!


David Molden

On 2 Apr 2015, at 23:01, Mark Luscombe <mark@plumjam.co.uk> wrote:

Hi David,

I've been to the Perpignan area to Paraglide on two occasions, about 4 days flying out of 9 days during each trip, not great. I flew Ceret, Tuchan, Chateau de peyrepertuse, and Targassonne. The area suffers quite a lot of over-development and storms, it is quite green! But the general area is very nice.

The South side of the Pyrenees is much more reliable for Paragliding, and like others have said the South East of France is probably the best overall.

Cheers, Mark.

On 2 April 2015 at 17:54, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:
This is really useful James, thanks, and a very informative weblink on the winds …. need to take this into consideration.


David Molden

> On 2 Apr 2015, at 17:45, James Learmont <james@ridgemagnet.com> wrote:
> David,
> I've stayed in Carcasonne with high hopes of lobbing off a nearby mountain, but although it is a fabulous place to visit and we were lucky to find a cheap house with our own enormous pool, the prevailing meteo conditions don't actually seem to be that good with a strong dry wind setting up for days at a time. We had one flyable day at one of the castles we visited (Ceret maybe?) but as I didn't know the local conditions I wasn't there with my kit, but some of the locals really were having a ball and I was very jealous - all two of them! When you do fly it will be epic, the scenery is spectacular.
> Read this, and then you'll understand why any cross-pyrenees flying expeditions usually come to grief when they get anywhere near Perpignan.
> http://www.frenchpropertylinks.com/essential/winds-france.html  The good news is that there is so much strong wind that you'll not need to worry about mosquitoes for most of the time. Worked for me anyway!
> IMHO, if you want to fly in the south of France, go east and base yourself over in St. Andre north of Nice. There are tons of sites round there and the microclimate is perfect. If you must fly the Pyrenees then you likely want to be on the Spanish side and half way to the sea on the other side, there are English schools that run trips there.. can't remember the name of the place but I'm sure you'll find on PG earth!
> (PS and I'm sure you know, travelling to these sites can take ages.. and ages... down winding mountain roads, best to base yourself very close to one)
> Looking forward to your videos!
> James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Molden
> Sent: 02 April 2015 11:49
> To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] Pyrenees flying experience?
> Thx Hugh.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 Apr 2015, at 11:18, Hugh Burnaby-Atkins <hburnaby@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could try making contact with Simon Payne of Sky High PPG - I believe he spends a lot of time in the Pyrenees (both PG and PPG). Google search will bring up his contact details via BHPA club list.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2 Apr 2015, at 10:30, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, we are about to up-root from the UK and relocate to be more central for European flying sites - Alps, Catalonia etc. We're currently looking at Perpignan which looks like there are some decent local sites as well as good access across the Pyrenees to Ager, Berga, Organya, and north to the Alps.
>>> Anyone flown around Perpignan can give me some info on how good the flying is there? Ceret and Tuchan look like popular sites on ParaglidingEarth.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave.
>>> David Molden
>>> 440710476710
>>> davidmoldenchen@gmail.com
>>> --
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Re: [TVHGC Members] Pyrenees flying experience?

In case you had not seen this - you can use it to see thermal hotspots and track logs across Europe. Quite useful if you are going to a new unknown area and want to work out where the action is. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Apr 2015, at 13:39, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Mark - based on all the feedback so far we are now looking around Barcelona for ease of access to Ager, Organya and Berga - also still easy to cross into France for the Alps, Italy, and dip down into Andalusia - and of course Morroco the next stop!


David Molden

On 2 Apr 2015, at 23:01, Mark Luscombe <mark@plumjam.co.uk> wrote:

Hi David,

I've been to the Perpignan area to Paraglide on two occasions, about 4 days flying out of 9 days during each trip, not great. I flew Ceret, Tuchan, Chateau de peyrepertuse, and Targassonne. The area suffers quite a lot of over-development and storms, it is quite green! But the general area is very nice.

The South side of the Pyrenees is much more reliable for Paragliding, and like others have said the South East of France is probably the best overall.

Cheers, Mark.

On 2 April 2015 at 17:54, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:
This is really useful James, thanks, and a very informative weblink on the winds …. need to take this into consideration.


David Molden

> On 2 Apr 2015, at 17:45, James Learmont <james@ridgemagnet.com> wrote:
> David,
> I've stayed in Carcasonne with high hopes of lobbing off a nearby mountain, but although it is a fabulous place to visit and we were lucky to find a cheap house with our own enormous pool, the prevailing meteo conditions don't actually seem to be that good with a strong dry wind setting up for days at a time. We had one flyable day at one of the castles we visited (Ceret maybe?) but as I didn't know the local conditions I wasn't there with my kit, but some of the locals really were having a ball and I was very jealous - all two of them! When you do fly it will be epic, the scenery is spectacular.
> Read this, and then you'll understand why any cross-pyrenees flying expeditions usually come to grief when they get anywhere near Perpignan.
> http://www.frenchpropertylinks.com/essential/winds-france.html  The good news is that there is so much strong wind that you'll not need to worry about mosquitoes for most of the time. Worked for me anyway!
> IMHO, if you want to fly in the south of France, go east and base yourself over in St. Andre north of Nice. There are tons of sites round there and the microclimate is perfect. If you must fly the Pyrenees then you likely want to be on the Spanish side and half way to the sea on the other side, there are English schools that run trips there.. can't remember the name of the place but I'm sure you'll find on PG earth!
> (PS and I'm sure you know, travelling to these sites can take ages.. and ages... down winding mountain roads, best to base yourself very close to one)
> Looking forward to your videos!
> James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com [mailto:tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Molden
> Sent: 02 April 2015 11:49
> To: tvhgc_members@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [TVHGC Members] Pyrenees flying experience?
> Thx Hugh.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2 Apr 2015, at 11:18, Hugh Burnaby-Atkins <hburnaby@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You could try making contact with Simon Payne of Sky High PPG - I believe he spends a lot of time in the Pyrenees (both PG and PPG). Google search will bring up his contact details via BHPA club list.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 2 Apr 2015, at 10:30, David Molden <davidmoldenchen@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, we are about to up-root from the UK and relocate to be more central for European flying sites - Alps, Catalonia etc. We're currently looking at Perpignan which looks like there are some decent local sites as well as good access across the Pyrenees to Ager, Berga, Organya, and north to the Alps.
>>> Anyone flown around Perpignan can give me some info on how good the flying is there? Ceret and Tuchan look like popular sites on ParaglidingEarth.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave.
>>> David Molden
>>> 440710476710
>>> davidmoldenchen@gmail.com
>>> --
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